Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Cauvery Calling - Frequently Asked Questions - A compilation

These questions about Cauvery Calling are compiled from various sources on the internet, news channels, Youtube videos and from Twitter.

(1) What is this Cauvery Calling project?

Cauvery Calling project is about planting 242 crore trees in the Cauvery river basin with the help of farmers and revitalising the Cauvery river in 10 - 12 years time.

For more details, refer:

(2) How will planting trees work in reviving Cauvery?

Trees capture rain water discharge in their roots and release water slowly letting it percolate into the soil. This is how streams form and go on to make rivers. 

For more science on this, refer:

(3) How will farmers benefit out of this planting of trees?

The soil gets enriched and ground water levels increase because of native tree saplings that will be given to farmers. They need not move away from their regular cropping because trees will be only a small part of the total land. 

For more information, refer:

(4) How many trees are being planned for planting?

242 crore trees are being planned for over 12 years period. In first phase, 73 crore trees are being planted in the Cauvery basin over 3 to 4 years. 

For more details, refer:

(5) Some people say there is no land for these many trees! Is that so?

That is not true. It requires less than 1/3rd of Cauvery basin land (i.e.) 24,200 square kilometres for planting all the 242 crore trees. The Cauvery basin overall is 81,155 sq km.

For more details, refer:

(6) If it is so good, why was it not done earlier itself?

Good question! May be attempts were made in small pockets but not in such a concerted way. This is the first non-controversial and apolitical solution being attempted at this big a scale.

For more details, refer:

(7) Is this scientifically proven to work?

Yes, it is a proven model to revitalise streams and rivers by planting trees. In fact, many prominent scientists and specialists have already approved the Cauvery Calling project.

For details, refer:

(8) Why this sudden concern about Cauvery?

This is not a sudden concern. Sadhguru and Isha have been working on it for a long time now. In fact, Rally For Rivers was started to revitalize all of India's rivers. Cauvery Calling is just the action phase of the earlier campaign.


(9) How did you come up with this 42 Rupees per sapling?

42 Rupees per sapling is just an average cost. Some saplings cost 15 rupees only while some like teak cost 150 rupees or upwards. In fact, it costs more than 70 rupees as average cost but rest of the cost is being borne by Isha Foundation.


(10) Why should I pay when Government is supposed to do these things?

Well, Government is bearing the costs for subsidies to farmers moving to AgroForestry. They cannot take too much burden either. Any responsible citizen will wish to contribute to a thriving democratic process. 

If you want to know more about this, refer:

(11) Is the Government taking a cut in this money?

No. They are in fact contributing to the welfare of farmers by giving them subsidies to move to AgroForestry. 

If you want to know more about this, refer:

(12) Will this benefit only Karnataka and not Tamilnadu?

Cauvery is the life blood of both Karnataka and Tamilnadu. Trees are planted in the Cauvery basin covering both the states. So, both states will benefit out of revitalizing Cauvery river.

Refer this for more details:

(13) The total amount comes to over 10,000 crores. Isn't this a big scam?

How can it be a scam when all money is digital and there is 100% transparency? There is a separate board managing all the funds and are accountable at all times. People do not seem to understand how large projects simply work. 

Refer this for more details:

(14) Why start something new when the Rally For Rivers itself failed? 

Rally For Rivers is a huge success. Over 16 crore people gave support to the campaign. NITI Aayog has accepted the policy recommendation as is. 100+ volunteers are working across country for river rejuvenation. 

For more details about RFR success story, refer:

(15) Who will plant these 242 crore trees?

Farmers will plant these 242 crore trees in their farm lands. It is as part of the AgroForestry model where regular crops are grown along with the trees. 

(16) Will the farmers really go towards this AgroForestry model?

Already close to 70000 farmers in Tamilnadu have moved to AgroForestry with Isha Foundation's support and have benefited. More than 10000 farmers have already registered now in the first 30 days itself.


(17) What will happen if farmers go to AgroForestry and leave crops like rice?

Only part of the farmland is being promoted for AgroForestry. Nobody will leave full time farming of crops like rice & wheat. This is an unneeded fear coming out of ignorance. 

To understand more about this, refer:

(18) Is this project about privatising water?

How is revitalising a river connected to privatising water? This is a fear planted by some useless activists. RFR does not really talk about privatisation of water at all! 

Check this for more details:

(19) What about addressing sand mafia and river pollution?

RFR recommendation policy already addressed it comprehensively. NITI Aayog has recommended it to all states for implement and it is upto the State Governments to just enforce the suggestions.

Check this for more details:

(20) Will the money donated really reach farmers?

Of course. There is a separate board managing all the funds and are accountable at all times. Here are the board member details:

(21) Why is this project not talking about river interlinking?

Yes, political parties have been talking about river interlinking but it is not to be done just on emotional basis. It has to be a scientific study based process. To know about what RFR recommendation on river interlinking is, refer:

(22) What about occupation by coffee plantations in the source?

This is also being addressed as part of the Cauvery Calling project to engage coffee plantation owners to also move towards AgroForestry. That will enhance the source point revitalisation for Cauvery.

(23) What will happen if all farmers go towards timber industry?

Farmers will be going for commercial trees in less than 30% of their land. So, if anything, going commercial with part of their land will enhance their revenues by several times.

If you want more details on this, refer:

(24) Why are we being asked to give missed calls again?

This is plain misinformation. There are no missed calls as part of Cauvery Calling. RFR had missed calls as a mechanism to gather support but that awareness phase is over. Cauvery Calling project is about action on the ground.

For more details, check:

(25) Is this selling saplings a new business?

A business has to basically make profits. Per sapling average costs come to about 70 Rs whereas fund raising is only for 42 Rs. Rest of the money is actually being put in by Isha itself. So, how can this be a business?

For more details, refer:

(26) Are you promoting foreign plant species in this project?

Native species like Vengai, Poovarasu, etc. are being promoted for farmers as part of the Cauvery Calling project. Foreign species are not promoted.

For more details, refer:

(27) Why not get the saplings cheaper than 42 Rupees?

Actually, 42 rupees is the average cost per sapling. Some saplings like teak cost more than 150 Rupees also. 242 crore trees is a big number and there is a need to establish a whole lot of infrastructure around the nurseries as well.

Check this for more details:

(28) Why not engage Government bodies to do financial auditing of this project?

Even world's biggest banks are going with financial auditing by private bodies. It increases the transparency and accountability. Hence the financial auditing for Cauvery Calling will also be done by private entities.


(29) Who are the board members handling the Cauvery Calling project?

Isha Foundation is not going to handle any money. There is a separate board made of very eminent people from across India who will handle finance for this Cauvery Calling project. Here is the board's details:

(30) Why are people going on a motorbike rally causing more pollution?

There are about 25 to 30 people going on this motorbike rally. In some cities may be a couple of hundred people may join within the city. Only because of someone like Sadhguru, all media will cover for the first time the travails of farmers in Cauvery basin. So far, more than 10,000 farmers have registered for AgroForestry because of the awareness created and so far more than 2 crore saplings are getting ready to be planted. This rally will do more good to farmers than most things that have been done so far.

(31) Why are we talking about saving rivers when there are floods all over India?

When there is rainfall, if there is enough blockade for that water, it would flow slowly. Because there is no blockade for that rain water, it flows fast as a flood. That's why it is important to increase green cover along rivers.

Check this for more details:

(32) How will going for commercial trees support farming?

The organic content from leaves will definitely increase the richness of soil and also increase the hold of ground water in the area. If this does not enhance the quality of farming, what will?

To understand more about this, refer:

(33) How can you plant trees when there is no water?

Farmers are growing crops. So, obviously there is some water. But it is not consistent. That is why having trees in farmland is very important. That's where microirrigation and AgroForestry work hand in hand. 

Understand how AgroForestry works & refer:

(34) Will the Governments really support the farmers?

Yes .. as of 10th September 2019, already the Karnataka State Government has publicly announced that the archaic laws regarding cutting of trees by farmers in their own land will be removed and have also agreed to provide subsidies to farmers moving to AgroForestry. The Tamilnadu Government has in principle agreed to it. Expecting the announcement to publicly come out by 15th September 2019.

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