Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lies about Isha Foundation's deforestation debunked with Google Earth Pro

I have given enough arguments in my earlier posts of this same blog proving that there are no forests destroyed by the Isha Foundation.

The Foundation themselves have come up with clear explanations on this page: https://isha.sadhguru.org/in/en/blog/article/truth-isha-yoga-center-elephant-corridor

I thought of looking at the images used to spread the false news first. Here is the popular version of it:

The first thing that strikes anybody is how lush green the left side looks and how pale the right side looks in comparison. And that in itself felt very fishy to me! 

So, I downloaded Google Earth Pro myself and looked at the images. This is the isolated 2006 Google Earth Pro image of the Isha Yoga Center. 

Compare this with the alleged image.

It does not take great brains to understand the image alleging Isha destroying the hills is a fake one by merely comparing the colours! 

This is the alleged 2006 vs actual 2006 Google Earth image of the Isha Yoga Center.

In the image shown alleging destruction of hills, the farmlands are also green. But the actual Google Earth Pro image shows the farms in their original colours.

There is no way this could have been achieved but by applying a green filter to deliberately make the 2006 image appear lush green throughout.

So, obviously somebody has fooled the whole of humanity which is believing this lie with a simple photoshop trick! Also, the 2006 version does not look anything like what is shown in the alleged image!

This is the isolated image of the Isha Yoga Center in 2011. One can obviously see that the Yoga center has purchased the lands nearby and expanded into those. But where is the forest area in this whole thing!?

Now, let's look at the 2016 actual Google Earth Pro image of the Isha Yoga Center.

Again, the 2016 alleged vs actual Google Earth Pro comparison shows that the same story repeats.

Look at the difference in colour shades. The lush green on the left side of the Isha Yoga Center has deliberately been tampered with in the alleged image.

The actual 2006 vs 2016 Google Earth Pro image looks like this:

Three things to note: 

#1 - They are appearing in two different shades because of the time of day at which such Satellite images are taken

#2 - Isha Foundation's expansion is only on the right side (i.e.) mainly in the circled area

#3 - Both these actual images are different from what appears in the alleged image of the Isha Yoga Center in 2006 vs 2016

Look carefully at these images for yourself and figure out how one could have fallen for such fake images that destroy the reputation of an otherwise decent organization.

As I had already indicated in one of my blog posts, the person who triggered all these 'Google Earth' images of Isha Foundation raising the deforestation talks has later apologised about it. He has categorically stated that there is no deforestation by Isha.

Now that you know, help spread this post and let's stop the lies being thrown around callously.

1 comment:

  1. Sensible individuals will understand or at least make an effort to understand. Shit eating brainless idiots will continue their prejudice whatever explanation is given. When thousands of really hungry people are waiting ,we should think about them and serve food, and not care about pigs which just like to eat shit. They get the required shit from unscrupulous biased and heinous media.
