Tuesday, October 24, 2017

War on Isha and Other Hindu Organizations by Church - 2

Part 1 of this blog series can be found here: http://kazhugupaarvai.blogspot.in/2017/10/war-on-isha-and-other-hindu.html 

[Note: Before you dismiss me as a xenophobic or someone who hates Christianity, hear me out. I only dislike the methods employed in religious conversions. Am against no religion.]

What is needed to stop the juggernaut of the fraud perpetrated in the name of Christianity? There are some fantastic suggestions in this blog:


The author suggests:

(1) Stop Foreign Funding

It is the first and foremost step definitely. Why is there so much resistance created in public media by the Church in Tamilnadu against BJP? One simple and straight-forward reason is the number of NGOs that have been banned by the current government in Tamilnadu in 2015:


Who contributes to a major portion of this donation? It is the Christian missionaries!


This ban on NGOs by BJP Government had ruffled the feathers of organizations all over the world. 


Why is that so? This post tries to answer some of the questions:


While the opacity of funding arrangements would make it difficult or impossible to prove that US taxpayer money has directly supported evangelical activity, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that US-funded FBOs such as Samaritan’s Purse and Partners Worldwide are heavily proselytising in India, quite apart from whatever humanitarian or charitable work they may be doing. And this is leaving aside all of the non-government funded US-based evangelical organisations active in India, which don’t even have to maintain the pretence of separating humanitarian from evangelical work.

This sort of activity, blending charity and Christian evangelism, has aroused the concern of the Indian government. "Can social service not be performed without resorting to conversion and will any country allow changes to its demographic character?" asked India’s Home Minister Rajnath Singh recently while addressing a government commission charged with protecting the rights of minorities in India.

(2) Enforce strict Visa rules on missionaries

If you do not know this, most foreign missionaries are entering India under the garb of 'tourists' and 'teachers'. 


Of course, with the level of bribes and corruption at our immigration department, there is no doubt such cases are still getting through. 

"99% of Christian Missionaries come to India on Tourist VISA. They dont follow VISA guidelines; doing Mission work on Tourist VISA is illegal as per current law they need very specifci Missionary VISA. We have to enforce this rule by doing few things Ask for written declaration “purpose of Visit” if anyone wrongly states purpose of visit, punish them to full extent of law. They can be jailed directly from airport for 3 years with no bail."

I do not know if this would be still effective now. At least in Tamilnadu, the local missionaries have become smart enough to do the mass conversions by themselves. The news is from the Horse's mouth directly: 


I will touch upon the other points in my subsequent blogs ..

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