Monday, October 23, 2017

War on Isha and Other Hindu Organizations by Church - 1

Usually I do not choose to confront a person or a phenomenon without sufficient proof. But now I think we have enough circumstantial & direct evidence attempting to put together a sequence of incidents.

I find these as more than a coincidence, all related to rise of Christianity in Tamilnadu and attacks on organizations supporting / resurrecting Hindu culture. I am taking Isha Foundation as an example here and will explain what is happening, but you can quickly figure out how it works on others as well.

[Note: Before you dismiss me as a xenophobic or someone who hates Christianity, at least read the article fully. I only dislike the methods employed in religious conversions. Am against no religion.]

What do I mean by 'attack' here?

An attack in this context has to be understood as Systematic defaming of an individual or an organization with or without producing any proofs towards such defamation. Typically these attacks are carried through:

- Social media

- Print media
- Mass media like TV channels 

Who is launching the attacks?

I am sticking my neck out here and claiming 'Christian missionary forces'. But before you decide to chop my head, read through the entire blog and think about the strange coincidences for yourself. Tell me in comments section if you really shoot holes into the theory. 

I had merely scratched the surface in my earlier blog article and am hoping to expose it more now:

Why attack Isha Foundation?

Art Of Living has a miniscule presence in TamilNadu - not much of a threat as yet. But dig deeper and you will find them being harassed badly in Karnataka.

Nithyananda's organization was systematically bad-mouthed and public opinion completely destroyed through deliberate media campaigns which stopped only after judicial court orders were brought into force. 

The only other organization working at a mass scale resurrecting yoga and Hindu culture in Tamilnadu is Isha Foundation. This is a serious threat to spread Christianity in Tamilnadu, especially if people get back to their yogic roots fast!

When did the media attacks start on Isha Foundation?

The sharp increase in attacks on Isha Foundation started in public media from August 2016. Is it a coincidence that just before that, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev of the foundation had announced about unveiling huge AdiYogi statues across the country in a public Satsang with his disciples? I don't think so and strongly feel this is what triggered the attacks in first place.

What is the main reason for these attacks from August 2016?

Karunya is a big Christian organization (with over 700 acres of prime forest land) spreading its tentacles all around Coimbatore. It is well known that the Christian missionaries target primarily tribal people, fishermen, etc. who face hardships in life and are easily swayed, especially in places where there is little support from rest of the religions. 

Firstly, Karunya folks got extremely scared that Isha Foundation will stop their conversion tactics in the Coimbatore area. Especially with the 112 feet Adi yogi statue that was announced in July 2016, Isha posed a serious threat to Christian spread in the area. 

If you look at the Diwali day in October 2017, tens and thousands of people thronged to see & be with AdiYogi Shiva statue at Isha Foundation. This is exactly what scares the Karunya folks. Are all these people visiting Isha trying to get spiritual benefits or be converted to hinduism or get into Yoga? A miniscule percentage of them might be .. but what scares the Church is the visitor numbers keep increasing by week and so will that miniscule percentage!

Attacks begin in August 2016 - Two lady monks

Out of the blue, a retired college Professor, a father of two lady monks at Isha Foundation goes to media in Aug 2016 and later to the court complaining that his daughters are held captive by Isha against their will. The High Court investigation later clearly found this claim ridiculous and certified that the two girls were completely sane and living as monks out of their well. It is altogether a different matter that the monks had been living at Isha for over 7 years when one fine day their father wakes up to claim their captivity.

Upon further investigating into who this man actually is, it comes to the front that he has taken up to Christianity a few months back! Strange coincidence, don't you think?

News Media pitches in against Isha

I have already written a blog article ( showing how biased the Tamil TV mass media is. Most of them lean towards atheist or anti-Hindu sentiments. 

So, it came as no surprise that Sun TV and Raj TV lead the media coup against Isha Foundation. Accusations were thrown all over in prime time coverage, without any basis or proofs. Some of the more ridiculous ones that even common public laughed at were:

- More than 5000 people have lost their kidneys at Isha

- Drugs are being given to those who attend Isha yoga programs to brainwash them

By the way, do you know how much it costs to have a one minute ad in Sun TV? It is in the order of lakhs of Indian rupees. Check this for yourself:

Now, consider how much money has been pumped to Sun TV to continuously put news against Isha Foundation for ten days straight - definitely in the order of crores of rupees! It would be lame to think a retired Professor magically gathered put all that money in. The power of the church and political parties behind all this vendetta is evident.

Fresh wave of attacks in 2017

Though crores of money was pumped in against Isha Foundation and the organization's reputation took a beating among ignorant public, the more sensible ones quickly saw through the media tricks based on personal experiences and also from the official rebuttals the foundation published. 

It has to be noted that not many popular TV or online media or print channels chose to publish the rebuttals from Isha Foundation though they were all very eager to sling mud!

Given this background, it should come as no surprise that the online and TV media attacks intensified in February 2017 before Indian Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi visited Isha Foundation to inaugurate the AdiYogi Shiva statue. When the PM of the country visits an organization, the opposing parties took it as a strong message. 

This was also taken as an indication that Isha Foundation is somehow connected to the BJP although the claim cannot be more ludicrous. If that was true, Sonia Gandhi and Pinarayi Vijayan of conflicting political interests with BJP would definitely not have supported the Rally for Rivers initiative of Isha Foundation. But, who cares to do their research? Definitely not the common man. 

More money was pumped in to start a fresh wave of attacks online against Isha Foundation. It is anybody's guess as to who is putting in the money :)

Role of political parties - CPI & DMK 

Resurrecting Hinduism does not go well with Communist folks too! Take a look at the people who are either talking ill about Isha or filing court cases against them. You will see almost all of them are either Christians and/or supporters of the Communist parties. Is this also coincidence?

Cases in light are activists like Piyush Manush, Siva, etc. who do not hesitate to slander anything Hindu but rarely open their mouth against atrocities by Christian organizations right in front of their eyes. They claim there is no wrong being done by Karunya which is totally laughable. Sometimes, it makes me wonder if these are paid stooges of the Church as well. However, I will commit to that once I get enough proofs against them.

Check out these links:

The DMK party, well-known to be the biggest land-grabber in Tamilnadu, owns the Karunya institute now:

It is quite possible that the DMK party has colluded with the Church and is behind all the attacks on Isha through its Sun TV influence. After all, the biggest rise of Church has happened in Tamilnadu in the last 20 years under the DMK regime!

The latest entrant into the field is Mr Seeman (Nam Tamizhar Katchi) who is clearly a separatist but is fast becoming darling of the media bent upon opposing rise of Hinduism and BJP in Tamilnadu & India in general. He clearly has a vendetta against Isha Foundation and keeps peddling lies about it everywhere possible. His original name is Simon Sebastian - definitely does not sound like a Hindu name to me! I still wonder why he changed it to the Hindu name of Seeman!

Is Isha Foundation the only one being attacked?

No. Anyone who is trying to talk against the church / resurrect Hinduism is being targeted.

Remember this lady who was criticised during the Jallikattu movement: Radha Rajan. She was deliberately pulled into it because she dared to publish an article against the Church and has been fighting them since 2011.

The Church goons just looked for an opportune moment and used all their financial might to throw her into bad light in public view. The church has been promoting active separatist movements in Tamilnadu:

Role of online media as a facade for Christian missionaries

Do you know who brought Radha Rajan to the fore in bad light in first place? The 'Chennaites' Facebook page! This page is run through Christian funding, specifically by Karunya university. They make targeted fun of BJP and Hindu culture alone, through picture and video memes. Have you ever seen any anti-Christian post appear on this Facebook page? Try finding something and be surprised.. Of course, they do not act too blatantly but keep posting socially relevant messages on their pages very frequently. Every meme posted on their page 'against someone' costs money. 

Do you know that 'Red Pix' YouTube channel has over 3,80,000 subscribers? This is owned by the NTK of Seeman and keeps spreading fake news against Hinduism and BJP in specific.

Where do all these attacks stand now?

Isha Foundation has successfully stood the test of first two waves of Christian attacks. The organization is thriving and is expanding too. So, the attacks keep continuing, especially through online and print medium in Tamilnadu.

What does the common public feel?

I am surprised though that many people still believe Isha Foundation caused deforestation and is on elephant corridor with its ashram and the AdiYogi statue. I have myself published proofs refuting these baseless allegations. All these are available for anyone to investigate and find out in public domain. Still, if you are interested, check my blog article here (and several other articles in my blog) to know the truth about allegations on Isha Foundation:

But keep repeating a lie and it gets fixed in one's mind somewhere, especially when it is parroted through popular media channel like Sun TV or the vicious Vikatan magazine. This is true in Isha's case and I must say, common public are swayed to a certain extent in this case. How strong the negative influence is would be hard to say though without proper quantitative measures.

How true is it that Coimbatore has been witnessing high rate of Christian conversions?

Do not trust me. Look up the statistics yourself - it is all available publicly. There are about 59 'big' churches in Coimbatore as of 2016:

There are at least 10 smaller churches that have sprung up on the road between Gandhipuram to Poondi in Coimbatore, just in the last 10 years. Anyone who is a resident of Coimbatore and is sincere with himself will not deny this.

In Tamilnadu alone, there are over 50000 pentecostal churches as of 2017. I am not kidding - the stats are from the horse's mouth where a Christian magazine pats their own backs for this success:

Check this link out further to see how Christian influence has been spreading in TamilNadu:

Where is the funding for all this coming from?

Just take a look at the number of bogus Church-facade organizations with foreign funding and based out of Tamilnadu. You will be baffled:

Vicious role of Church in Tamilnadu politics

Go through this article to find out how the Church influence has been steadily increasing in Tamilnadu politics and all the political games played by the missionary forces:

Is this phenomenon isolated to TamilNadu alone?

Sadly, no. It is already taking a heavy toll in Kerala and Karnataka as well. Recently, such first-step attempts saw wide-spread agitations in Andhra Pradesh against Kancha Ilaiah's comments on Hindus.

This is not the first and will definitely not be the last crusade of the Church against Hindu culture. It is definitely going to continue and if anything, only intensify in the coming years unless a major step is taken to prevent such attacks. I will post about some of my thoughts on this front and also more proofs in my future blogs...


  1. Thank you for throwing these damning truths on ones face. But sadly now in tamilnadu, the ball is fully played up by these stooges. But truth triumphs definitely one day
    Satyameva jayatge.

    1. Each one of us should have a vigil for the activities of these church goons and should also pray God for a rakshana of Dharma
      Let Dharma win.

  2. Christianity is collapsing in west , with in Meerut and Noida . I have observed born Christians in contrast to converted Christians are Hindu in thought process , and we never tried to bring them in to our fold .Nirmala Srivastava , ECG george were born Christians reverting back to Hinduism , on its own . The dogmatic and exclusive nature of Bible is the weakness of CHristianity , Central think tank of Vatican knows it well , and thats the way they operate .
    Jesus jihad is full swing in Delhi Ncr as well.
