Monday, February 27, 2017

ஈஷாவின் பசுமைக் கரங்கள்

ஈஷா பசுமைக் கரங்கள் திட்டமானது, ஈஷா அறக்கட்டளையால் நிறுவப்பட்ட ஒரு சுற்றுச்சூழல் திட்டம். மரம் நடுவதன் மூலம், தமிழகத்தின் பசுமைப் பரப்பை 10% அதிகரிக்கும் நோக்கத்துடன் ஆரம்பிக்கப்பட்ட இந்த திட்டம், அதே நோக்கத்தில், தமிழகத்தில் மட்டும், 20 லட்சத்துக்கும் மேற்பட்ட பொதுமக்களின் பங்களிப்போடு, 2.80 கோடிக்கும் மேற்பட்ட மரங்களை வெற்றிகரமாக நட்டு வளர்த்துள்ளது.

2006ம் ஆண்டு, ஒரே நாளில் 2.5 லட்சம் தன்னார்வத் தொண்டர்களைக் கொண்டு 8,56,000 மரக்கன்றுகள் நடப்பட்டது. இதன்மூலம் கின்னஸ் உலக சாதனையில் இத்திட்டம் இடம் பெற்றது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது. 2010ம் ஆண்டிற்கான இந்திய அரசின் மிக உயர்ந்த சுற்றுச்சூழல் விருதான "இந்திரா காந்தி பரியாவரன் புரஸ்கார்" (Indira Gandhi Pariyavaran Puraskar) விருது பசுமைக் கரங்கள் திட்டத்துக்கு வழங்கப்பட்டது.

மேலும் தமிழக அரசின் சுற்றுச்சூழல் நலத் துறையால் வழங்கப்பட்ட 2010ம் ஆண்டிற்க்கான சுற்றுச்சூழல் (“Environmental Award - 2010”) விருதையும் பசுமைக் கரங்கள் திட்டம் பெற்றுள்ளது. தமிழகம் முழுவதும், கிராமப்புறங்களிலும் நகர்புறங்களிலும் பசுமைப் பரப்பை அதிகப்படுத்துவதற்காக முழுமுனைப்புடன் இத்திட்டம் தொடர்ந்து செயல்பட்டு வருகிறது. அதுமட்டுமல்லாமல், கடந்த சில ஆண்டுகளாக, அரசுடனும், தொண்டு நிறுவனங்கள், பள்ளி கல்லூரிகள், பெருநிறுவனங்கள் போன்றவைகளுடனும் இணைந்து சுற்றுச்சூழலை மேம்படுத்தும் பல முயற்சிகளிலும் ஈஷா பசுமைக்கரங்கள் திட்டம் ஈடுபட்டு வருகிறது.

ஈஷா குற்றசாட்டுகள் - பகுதி 2

ஈஷா யானைகள் வழித்தடத்தில் அமைந்துள்ளது!

யானை வழித்தடம் அல்லது யானை வலசைப் பாதை என்பது யானைகள் வசிக்கும் இரண்டு வனங்களை இணைக்கிற பாதையாகும். மத்திய மற்றும் மாநில அரசுகளின் வனத் துறையால் யானை வழித்தடம் என்று குறிப்பிட்டுள்ள 88 யானைப் பாதைகளில் ஈஷா இல்லை. சம்பந்தப்பட்ட துறைகளை அணுகி யார் வேண்டுமானாலும் இது பற்றிய விவரங்களை தெரிந்துகொள்ளலாம்.
மழை பற்றாக்குறையே யானை ஊருக்குள் வருவதற்கான உண்மையான காரணம் என்பதை அனைவரும் அறிவார்கள். மேலும் நீர் மற்றும் உணவை தேடி யானைகள் ஊருக்குள் வருகின்றன. கும்கி திரைப்படம் பார்த்த அனைவருக்குமே இது நன்றாக புரிந்திருக்கும். ஈஷாவை சுற்றியுள்ள இடங்களில் கரும்பு, வாழை போன்றவை பயிரிடப்பட்டுள்ளன, இவை அனைத்தும் யானைகளை ஈர்க்கும் என்பது அனைவரும் அறிந்ததே. வேறு ஏதோ பகுதியில் இறந்த யானையின் புகைப்படத்தை எடுத்து, போலி குற்றசாட்டுகளை இவர்கள் பரப்பி வருகின்றனர்.

யானைக்கும் மனிதனுக்கும் இடையே இருக்கும் இடையூறான பகுதிகளை பார்த்தால் அவை ஈஷாவில் இருந்து பல மயில்கள் அப்பால் உள்ளது.
உங்களுக்கு சந்தேகம் இருந்தால் தமிழ்நாடு அரசு வன அதிகாரிகளிடம் இதைப்பற்றி முறையாக விசாரணை செய்யலாம்.

குறிப்பு: எனக்கும் ஈஷாவிற்கும் எந்த தொடர்பும் இல்லை... இந்த தகவல் அனைத்தும் இணையத்தில் உள்ளன.

ஈஷா குற்றசாட்டுகள் - பகுதி 1

கடந்த சில மாதங்களாக ஈஷா யோகா மையம் மீது தொடர்ந்து குற்றசாட்டுகள் எழுந்த வண்ணம் உள்ளது. முப்பது வருடங்களுக்கு மேல் இயங்கி வரும் ஒரு மையம் மீது திடீரன்று ஏன் எவ்வளவு குற்றசாட்டுகள் வந்தது என்பதை நான் ஆராய்ந்த பொது தான் சில திடுக்கிடும் உண்மைகள் புலப்பட்டன.

குற்றம் சுமத்துவார்கள்  ஒரு சிலரே, அவர்களும் ஒரு குழுவாக சேர்ந்து இதனை செய்கிறார்கள். சமீபத்தில் நடந்த ஜல்லிக்கட்டு போராட்டத்தில் தகவல்கள் எப்படி இணையத்தின் வாயிலாக பகிர பட்டதோ அதே யுக்தியை இவர்கள் கையில் எடுத்துள்ளனர்.

ஈஷா, வனப்பகுதியை ஆக்கிரமித்துள்ளது!

இன்னும் இவ்வளவு நாட்களுக்கு தான் இந்த பழம் பொய்யையே சொல்ல போகிறார்கள் ?
ஈஷா யோக மையம் நூற்றுக்கு நூறு சதவிகிதம் பட்டா நிலத்தில் மட்டுமே செயல்படுகிறது. உண்மையை சொல்லப்போனால், இங்கு ஈஷா வந்தபின் வன ஆக்கிரமிப்பு குறைந்து, மறைந்து போயிருக்கிறது. இங்குள்ள வனப்பகுதிகளில் நடைபெற்று வந்த சட்டவிரோதமான செயல்கள் தடுத்து நிறுத்தப்பட்டிருக்கின்றன. இதனால், ஈஷா மையத்திற்கு சில எதிரிகள் உருவாகி உள்ளனர். இவர்கள் ஈஷாவை எதிர்த்து பொய் பிரச்சாரம் செய்கிறார்கள்.
வனத்துறை நிலத்தை ஈஷா ஆக்கிரமித்துள்ளதா என்கிற கேள்விக்கு வனத்துறையே பதில் தந்துள்ளது. மண்டல வனப்பாதுகாப்பு காவலர் தலைமையிலான வனத்துறை அலுவலர்கள் ஈஷா வளாகத்தை ஆய்வுசெய்தனர். அதன்பின், முதன்மை வனப் பாதுகாவலருக்கு ஓர் அறிக்கை சமர்ப்பிக்கப்பட்டது. அதில், ஈஷா யோக மையம், பட்டா நிலத்தில் மட்டுமே அமைந்துள்ளது என்றும், வனப்பகுதியில் எவ்வித ஆக்கிரமிப்பும் ஈஷா செய்யவில்லை என்றும் தெளிவாக குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளனர். (Document reference number: CFCIT/07/2013)
இதுபற்றி ஈஷா மையம் பலமுறை விளக்கம் அளித்ததையும் பொருட்படுத்தாமல், ஒருசிலர் தொடர்ந்து இதுபற்றியே பேசிவருவது,மதிப்பிற்குரிய அரசுத்துறையை அவமரியாதை செய்வதுபோல் உள்ளது.

குறிப்பு: எனக்கும் ஈஷாவிற்கும் எந்த தொடர்பும் இல்லை... இந்த தகவல் அனைத்தும் இணையத்தில் உள்ளன.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Cauvery Delta - Methane Project - The truths - Part 2

[My earlier post can be found here:]

Let's look at science behind Methane extraction some more ..

What science knows so far

Fracking or Hydraulic Fracturing is the technique used for extracting methane from coal bed. It means pumping a fracturing fluid at high pressure to widen the fractures in a rock. Horizontal drilling allows drilling vertically several thousand meters (typically 6,000 metres) deep and then turning 90° and drilling horizontally.

What is water used for in this process?

Approximately 7–15 million L of water are used per well. Approximately 50–70 % of the water solution is recovered. The remaining water stays in the ground. The recovered water is contaminated with chemicals and salts from the rock formation. It is either transported or directly disposed in treatment facilities.

Where is all this water going to come from? Tamilnadu is already facing a severe water crisis. This question remains unanswered so far!

What science still does not know

(1) It is clear that with fracking & horizontal drilling, we are artificially creating fissures in rocks undergound. Does that also mean the gaps will stay open forever? Does fracking really cause earthquakes? It is not conclusively proven.

(2) What happens with the water that stays in the ground? It gets contaminated to some extent. How to clean it and use it is unclear. Does it contaminate the ground water is also unclear. This is also one of the often portrayed issues with this whole process.

What is happening in the USA now

(1) North Dakota has 8000 to 15000 fracking wells now to extract Shale gas.

(2) In 2000, there were about 276,000 natural gas wells in the United States. But by 2010, that number had almost doubled to 510,000, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). And every year, about 13,000 new wells are drilled.

(3) Researchers from Duke University tested drinking water at 60 fracking well sites throughout Pennsylvania and New York; their research was published in 2011 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers found that drinking water near some fracking wells had levels of methane that "fell squarely within a range that the U.S. Department of Interior says is dangerous and requires urgent 'hazard mitigation' action".

(4) Have we advanced from 2011 to 2017 in terms of protecting ground water sources? That is not clear.

(Premature) Conclusion for now ..

(1) It is too early to conclude if this project is good or bad. There is no 100% solid evidence to swing it this way or that way.

(2) Emotional appeals are definitely there, right from the late Nammazhvar Sir to our modern college students. We in India, are very passionate about our soil. I do not know if everybody understands the science behind it. But there is an inherent fear that we may damage the fragile ecosystem from underneath the ground. We are also concerned about what happens to humans involved in the process.

(3) In my opinion, if any agency wants to promote it, they first have to prove with a pilot project (2 to 3 wells max) that there really is no harm in this method. If there is a slightest confirmation that it is dangerous for humans or agriculture in long term, this project should just be dropped. But if it really works in Pilot mode, then people will automatically accept it.

(4) My thought is that the full license should be granted ONLY IF the pilot is successfully demonstrated for everyone to see and accept. The initial approval should still be kept on hold till anything positive is proven or if negatives do not show up over a sustained period of time for the pilot fracking well activity.

I think that is where most of the concern from the activists is too. A full-fledged drilling license should not be issued till the technology is proven to cause no harm to either man or agricultural land or water sources.

Wait for my subsequent posts on the personal networks of people involved to see what the vested interests are ..

More References:







Cauvery Delta - Methane Project - The truths - Part 1

I usually hate digging up something new, while attending to another task already.

While working on the controversies related to Isha Foundation, some of my friends also asked me to look at the Kaveri Delta Methane digging issue. This is my first post on that and I will post some more soon.

What is the Methane project in Tamilnadu?

A controversial topic that has been going on for a while now, this Kaveri delta methane problem has seen its fair share of controversies already.

The project is undertaken by Great Eastern Energy Corporation Ltd (GEECL), a private company based in Gurgaon, Haryana. The company received a CBM-IV (Coal Bed Methane) license to explore and extract methane gas from Nagapattinam, Thanjavur and Thiruvarur districts which are known to be major rice cultivating areas of Tamil Nadu.

Here is a twist in the information out on public domain - the wikipedia link says "The company has a plan to drill 50 core production wells of 150-450 metre deep in the ground" but GEECL's own website says "It will start with 30 pilot production wells and 50 core holes at the 667 sq km Mannargudi block"!

Oh, by the way, the area of city of Chennai is 426 Square kilometers. So, we are talking about something bigger than a whole metropolitan city. It is not clear whether the whole area will be owned by the company or that the company will just be drilling within that big an area. Hope it is the latter ...

Politics of the project

The project was signed off and license issued to GEECL by the then DMK Government of the state. There were a few protests right from that time by popular agricultural and social activists. In September 2012, the Union Ministry for Environment and Forests (uMOEF) issued environmental clearance to the project, under Congress Government.

The subsequent ADMK Government put a hold on the license and no doubt, at least some of it is as part of reversing the earlier Government's decisions. It is definitely not all just because of the protests since there is no solid material out there in public domain that has been used as scientific evidence by the protesters (there are opinions published though).

I will try to get a scientific angle to this as well. Who knows - some protesters or supporters of the project may find my post useful for their arguments? :)

Know GEECL better, The Company under Fire

- The company's website says it is under the umbrella of "YKM Holdings Group Company".
- Country of Incorporation is marked as India from 1991. Promoter group has 61.78% of shares. So, obviously they can make or veto out major decisions.
- Prudential PLC holds the next major chunk of shares, about 15%. BTW for those who do not know of it, Prudential is a UK based company. Since August 2010, Prudential has held a major stake in many mining & mineral companies across the world.
- There is something suspicious about the YKM Holdings company itself. The Bloomberg site (in reference) does not show any key executives recorded. GEECL's website though shows key personnel.

Know the science, just a little bit

- The process being planned for extracting Methane is termed 'Fracking', defined as "the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc. so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas"
- Fracking is generally considered bad by many but question is if it is truly that bad, then why the governments across the world are issuing licenses to companies to use the technique for Oil & Natural Gas exploration?
- Some information available points linking to expansion of underground fissures and mild earthquakes being caused by fracking. But this is not very conclusive as yet.
- Question to GEECL: do we really need 30 pilot wells out of 50 production wells to evaluate fracking's impact in that area? If you really want to gain public support and prove that it is not an environmental problem, try 2 or 3 holes to show it works fine.

Does fracking have any benefits at all?

- Apparently so! There are lot of difficult-to-reach sources of Oil & Gas which can be reached only through Fracking so far.
- In the USA, it has significantly boosted domestic oil production and driven down gas prices.

What next?

- The next steps would be to investigate the truth behind the problems with fracking as a science.
- Identify the personal networks of the key people and see who is behind this organization really.

References you can enjoy:

I am deliberately not using the existing YouTube videos of supporters and detractors - don't want to be biased in my research early.










Wait for my subsequent posts on this issue ..

Mahashivratri 2017 and Isha Controversies

Phew .. I like digging into controversies and finding out the truths. But I am beginning to get bored with the threads that I started with, especially on Isha Foundation. Mid way through, I am having to conclude in some cases that there is no truth whatsoever in some allegations. Even for common sense logic, they don't seem to hold a candle! Of course, Common sense is a rare commodity these days :)

Blazing Sun

Was interested in witnessing the Mahashivratri celebrations myself, just to check what all these controversies were about. Went to the venue around 1 PM and goodness, what a crowd even at that time! The sun was blazing but did not deter those who had come to the venue. It took a lot of time to have the security checks done and luckily get into the venue despite the push-and-pull madness :) We don't see that kind of rush even for first-day first-show movies.

In retrospection, now I know first hand how strict the police & security personnel are when guarding a few Chief Ministers and the Prime Minister himself. By the time the event was its peak, there would have been at least a couple of lakh people. The venue was full and many were watching from the grounds nearby where free food was being served. The food was delicious even for a devilishly hungry stomach like mine.

Angry (Calm) people!

Normally an introvert, I walked around for a while on my own, finding a place to settle down. Then I spoke to a few strangers who had come to the venue. Some blasted the foundation outright that they were called but were not being let in. The police had already locked down the entry points to the venue before the PM's arrival. The same lady apparently stayed back till the PM left and had a good time in the venue later. Another gentleman, clearly a Shiva Bhakt wearing rudraksh & having vibhuti fully on forehead, came in agitated and angry, roamed around like that for a while and then sat down unmoving, still with his eyes closed for the meditation sessions. Something strikes people here I think!

Police personnel

It was interesting to get the perspectives of some of the Police personnel on watch. Saw a gentleman asking why the common notion is different when the Isha volunteers in a stall were giving out ringtones for free! Overheard a Police officer saying Isha should conduct more yoga sessions for all Police people. Some of them were surprised that despite having so many people in one place, there was no unruliness in the crowd.

Controversy, Controversy, Controversy

Oh, coming to the crux of the controversy itself, the whole damn land was all agricultural land! I do not know if it was leased or purchased, it certainly does not have any semblance of "tons of trees being cut" and all that nonsense.

It is close to the forest area alright - across the road, one could see the dug up fences erected by forest department. But this venue was at least a good half a mile from the forest border. Found some remnants of sugarcane plants in the area.

Did I tell you that there were a few gentlemen who just came probing, like me? Was chatting up with one of them and he opened up saying he wanted to see what the truth was. I asked him if he was convinced ... he just smiled. I guess, common sense prevails after all, even if in minute quantities.

The Google Earth images in this video clearly prove that the land is a properly acquired land and not forest land!

The Aftermath ..

I stayed till 4:30 AM and then started back to crash on my bed at 6:45 AM. Spent the whole day sleeping, waking, eating and checking my emails. A late rise up to a glorious Sunday morning brought back the memories and I thought of penning them down :)

There are couple of things that I would still like to pursue and find out though. One thing that everybody claims is they are a rich organization. Will try to dig out more on that and come up in subsequent posts.

Edit 1:

As recently as July 2017, it has been categorically proven in the Chennai High Court that there is no encroachment of forest land by Isha Foundation. But I doubt if the lies spread by vested interests are to stop here - I see too much ignorance from common public and too much money being spent in spreading this lie online!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Noyyal river - its origins, problems and One-child policy!

What has one-child policy got to do with Noyyal river? 

A lot, especially if you are from the Kongu belt (Coimbatore, Erode and Salem districts) of Tamilnadu. The facts in this regards are as below:

* Noyyal river is one of the popular ones in Tamilnadu, mainly known for its water with medicinal properties.

* Some people are arguing that because of some institutions (including the Isha Yoga Center) having their buildings in the Noyyal catchment area, the river has been depleting. Look at the below map carefully. You can see that the whole of Coimbatore, Avinashi and Tiruppur is within the catchment area! So, going by this argument, all these cities & towns have to be vacated!

* What many people do not know is that the natural flow of Noyyal is seasonal. It occurs only during the north-east monsoon months.

* Noyyal has been having lot of problems in the last 4 to 5 years because of irregular water supply. When rain water supply has been fine, the river water flow has been fine too. But when that rain water supply is not enough, it is going dry.

* Isha Foundation's buildings are a few Kilometres far from the river bed. There is a single small stream which flows through the lands and is left unobstructed.

* Even High school science students know that hundreds of acres of forest & tree cover is required to create a single water stream. Several such water streams usually combine to form a tributary, many of which further combine to form a river.

* Truth of matter is that less than 1% of Noyyal river basin is in forest area. Refer page 10 of this document:

* Majority of water supply to the Noyyal river is because of the rainfall. Page 9 of the research document (linked above) clearly indicates this:

"The natural flow of the Noyyal is seasonal and occurs only during the north-east monsoon months. However, urban domestic and industrial sewage from Coimbatore and return flows from the Lower Bhavani Project (LBP) all drain into the Noyyal; so it experiences perennial flow in some stretches. Occasionally, flash floods occur after heavy rain events.

Rainfall in the basin is highly variable due to the orographic effect of the Western Ghats. The mountains form a ‘rain shadow area’ (with respect to the south-west monsoon) over the plain, which consequently has a dry climate. The extreme western and upper reaches usually receive more than 3000 mm annually during the southwest monsoon, whereas the major eastern part of the basin receives an annual rainfall of 600 mm, which mostly occurs during the north-east monsoon."

<1% of Noyyal river basin goes through and is near a forest area and in that <0.0001% is flowing through lands near the Isha Yoga Center.

* The argument that many institutions near Velliangiri hills are causing problems for Noyyal river water does not make sense.

* I sought all this information out after watching a guy passionately putting lie after lie in a TV interview about the Isha Foundation!

* However, the woes about Noyyal do not end there. Pollution to Noyyal is causing severe health hazards to people consuming the water down the line.

* The illegal (and unregistered) units operating on Noyyal river basin have been dumping pollutants into the river waters. This has been a serious problem for a while.

* When cattle and people consume these polluted waters, it is causing unspeakable health hazards to humans!

* The infertility rate in young adults has had a 20-30% rise in the last 5 years. Some of it is attributed to lifestyle reasons like stress, too much of travel, etc. and also water / air pollution.

* Why are so many fertility clinics coming up in the Coimbatore and Erode districts of TamilNadu in the last 5 years? Is this an organized attempt to grow the medical business in the Kongu area?

* It is time for people to think what is causing all this and make attempts to fix it. Otherwise, there is a serious risk of the following in the Kongu belt:
- More people being affected by Cancer
- More infertile and childless couples
- More cattle dying due to health problems caused by river water
- More farmers suffering due to the polluted water

Refer these studies to know more about it:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Allegations about Isha - Part 8 - Conclusion & My take

Part 7 of the series is here:

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my earlier posts to know more...

Trend analysis of these allegations

  -- If you have noted anything in Indian politics in recent times, we all know that opposition parties will always raise ruckus when the in-power government tries to do some good.
  -- These groups raising noise against Isha Foundation are just like that. They seem to do this whenever Isha starts something big.
  -- Check the trends of such attacks for yourself! They have always happened before some major event conducted by Isha.

Conclusion - What is my take for now?

Isha Foundation is not a 100% clean organization - no one in the world is. Between White and Black, there are several shades. But for an organization run by volunteers exclusively, they have done a phenomenal social work so far. Let's point out the faults, but with proper facts and give them an opportunity to correct it.

The intention of these groups is to keep defaming Isha. But I think what they are doing is providing free publicity. Hope they realize this soon. In the mean time, general public should use their own intelligence instead of getting swayed by such people, especially appealing emotionally.






<More to be added soon>

Allegations about Isha - Part 7 - Who is spreading these allegations?

Part 6 of the series is here:

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my earlier posts to know more...

Who is doing this? Why are they doing this? What is their intention?

- Know the criminal history of these groups

  -- Before Isha Foundation came to the foothills of Velliangiri, lot of illegal Timber merchants were operating. They cut down entire forest areas. But ever since they came, Isha has been a thorn in their side. How many of you have noted that there are at least 15 to 20 saw mills even today on the way from Coimbatore city to Poondi on Siruvani road. And these are just the legal ones.
  -- Even now, if the foundation vacates their premises, don't be under the illusion that all this will be converted into forest land. You will see the very Velliangiri mountains disappearing. For those of you who think it is not possible, just travel from Chennai to Tirupati, by road or by train. On the way, there used to be hills. Where are they now? You would not believe what these vested interests groups will do if there is no one to check them.
  -- Check with the local police station and the villagers in that area.

- Other religious groups

  -- If you have noted the history of how other religious groups have existed in Coimbatore, it has always been an uneasy equation.
  -- Islamic spread is in a certain region in the city.
  -- Can someone count the number of Christian Churches that have come up in the last ten years in Coimbatore? Just on the way from Coimbatore Railway Station to Poondi, I could count at least 15 of them on the "main Siruvani road". How are these spreading? There is an obvious funding and spread of Christian religion in the region.
  -- Other religious groups have been living intermingled among this spread.
  -- The growth of Isha as a spiritual force in Coimbatore is obviously ruffling a few feathers for some of these groups too apparently!
  -- Now, naturally wherever funding is available and the greed to expand their religion is there, such groups are also sponsoring vested interest groups to act against Isha! [Will expose these groups soon in my future posts.]

Allegations about Isha - Part 6 - Isha's rapid growth

Part 5 of the series is here:

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my earlier posts to know more...

Expansion of Isha Foundation as is

- Obviously Isha Foundation started as a small group of meditators in a small area. Today they have expanded into a much larger organization.

- Now, people have to think why such group would expand unless many people started seeing the value of Isha Yoga in their lives. Millions of Isha meditators around the world can vouch for the health and mental benefits they have got through Isha yoga.

- When hundreds of people have to live, they need area to expand! So, they have purchased nearby patta land legally and constructed buildings.

- There is an open court case about one or two buildings for which some NOC has to be produced. This will be done by the Foundation in the court. Why bother pulling the same thing again and again?

Allegations about Isha - Part 5 - Celebrating Mahashivarathri in forest!?

Part 4 of the series is here:

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my earlier posts to know more...

Why celebrate MahaSivarathri in the forest?

- This is the most ridiculous of all. First of all, we have conclusively seen already that this is near but not actually forest area.

- Secondly, if the Shiva temple in Isha is near forest, can MahaShivarathri be celebrated in Coimbatore city? Where is the land to do that inside the city?

- If anybody has any sense, this will be the worst argument to go with!

- And by the way, why are all these guys targeting only Hindu and Indian cultural functions? I still see Isha as an organization promoting Hindu culture. Something for all Hindus to think about seriously!

Allegations about Isha - Part 4 - Is tree planting a farce?

Part 3 of the series is here:

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my earlier posts to know more...

Project Green Hands

- Those who have planted and taken care of trees will only know the truth of how hard it is to do at a massive scale.

- Isha volunteers claim to have given their life to do all this. Tamilnadu has been the only area in South Asia where green cover is actually increasing.

- You and I are not planting trees that much. Then who is doing this?

- Projects like Green Hands and other NGOs with some major corporates like L&T, Sony, etc. have been pioneering this effort

- When Isha volunteers saw the amount of destruction happening in deforestation, they simply went and planted thousands of trees on the Velliangiri hills. Do not believe me. Take some tree experts and with permission of forest department, check the age of trees in the hills behind Isha Foundation. 80% of them will be under 20 years of age. [This has been tested already by independent groups.]

- Questions are being raised on the claim of how many trees Green Hands project has done. There are several corporates who are working with this team. Do you think they are not tracking all the trees that are planted?

- If you have any area in the city and are interested in making it green, please do contact the Green Hands team. I spoke to them in the Chennai Lit Fest after the Vardah cyclone where they distributed saplings.

Edit 1:

Had interactions with some people from Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh in July 2017. They have been actively working with Isha Foundation in tree plantation activities in their respective states. These people vouch for the professionalism and clean focus of the Project Green Hands team in executing the plantation activities! Guess one more lie spread about Isha Foundation goes for a clean six!

Allegations about Isha - Part 3 - Is Isha land in an Elephant Corridor?

Part 2 of the series is here:

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my earlier posts to know more...

Isha on Elephant corridor!?

- Basically my earlier posts about Isha not being on forest land itself rubbishes this argument also.

- But if someone wants to know the truth, Isha has published the rebuttal already on their website with clear proofs that they are not in an elephant corridor! Check their web site and blogs for the documented proofs.

- If there is no elephant corridor, then why elephants are seen in that area? Do you know that the locals in the area have plantains and tamarind plantation in a massive scale in this area? Even local autowallahs, tribals and the forest officials know that these attract the elephants.

- Coupled with the fact that there has been very less rain, the elephants have been coming more frequently to outside forest areas for water. Talk to anyone in the Viraliyur village to know about the antics of these elephants. You will be reminded of the "Kumki" tamil movie where an elephant steals pickle from a road side shop.

- Take the statistics of Elephant-Human conflict with the TN Govt administration departments and see how many have been in the area Isha is. Even take a wider circle of a few KM radius. You will still find nothing.

- All the pictures and posts these guys are talking about are taken from elephant deaths in other areas. It is unfortunately being attributed to Isha. There is no truth in that.

- When in doubt, check with TN Govt administration departments. Don't trust these vested interest groups.

Allegations about Isha - Part 2 - Is Isha destroying forest really?

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my first post to know more...

Destroying forest

  • For how many days are we going to listen to these lies? Isn't it time to find out what the truth is?
  • - Who is the authority on forests? Isn't it the TN Govt administration departments? If they, including the forest and the land registration departments both say Isha's lands are legally acquired patta lands, why should we continue to believe these cheats?
  • - For those who do not know, just because a patta land is near forest, it does not become forest area automatically!

  • So, this is automatically rubbished by the concerned authorities itself.

Edit 1:

As recently as July 2017, it has been categorically proven in the Chennai High Court that there is no encroachment of forest land by Isha Foundation. But I doubt if the lies spread by vested interests are to stop here - I see too much ignorance from common public and too much money being spent in spreading this lie online!

Edit 2:

The very person who triggered all these 'Google Earth' images of Isha Foundation raising the deforestation talks has later apologised about it. He has categorically stated that there is no deforestation by Isha.


(1) CFCIT/07/2013 - TN Forest Department document



Allegations about Isha - Part 1 - Why this series?

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my first post to know more...

These groups / persons posting negative information about Isha, they are not actually many. Just a handful of them but with lot of followers. They seem to understand through the recent Jallikattu success that powerful information can be spread via social media. They are trying to exploit the emotional state of TamilNadu people now. [Another bane of Social media that I will address in a separate post ..]

The complete content is here:

But some people reached out to me yesterday and asked to break the content into parts. So, here is "part 1". 

Allegations on Isha - What is the truth?

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

Introduction [Click the link to read more about it...]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my first post to know more...

These groups / persons posting negative information about Isha, they are not actually many. Just a handful of them but with lot of followers. They seem to understand through the recent Jallikattu success that powerful information can be spread via social media. They are trying to exploit the emotional state of TamilNadu people now. [Another bane of Social media that I will address in a separate post ..]

Destroying forest [Click the link to read more about it...]

- For how many days are we going to listen to these lies? Isn't it time to find out what the truth is?
- Who is the authority on forests? Isn't it the TN Government departments? If they, including the forest and the land registration departments both say Isha's lands are legally acquired patta lands, why should we continue to believe these cheats?
- For those who do not know, just because a patta land is near forest, it does not become forest area automatically!
- So, this is automatically rubbished by the concerned authorities itself.

Elephant corridor [Click the link to read more about it...]

- Basically #1 about Isha not being on forest land itself rubbishes this argument also.
- But if someone wants to know the truth, Isha has published the rebuttal already on their website with clear proofs that they are not in an elephant corridor!
- If there is no elephant corridor, then why elephants are seen in that area? Do you know that the locals in the area have plantains and tamarind plantation in a massive scale in this area? Even local autowallahs, tribals and the forest officials know that these attract the elephants.
- Coupled with the fact that there has been very less rain, the elephants have been coming more frequently to outside forest areas for water. Talk to anyone in the Viraliyur village to know about the antics of these elephants. You will be reminded of the "Kumki" tamil movie where an elephant steals pickle from a road side shop.
- Take the statistics of Elephant-Human conflict with the TN Government administration departments and see how many have been in the area Isha is. Even take a wider circle of a few KM radius. You will still find nothing.
- All the pictures and posts these guys are talking about are taken from elephant deaths in other areas. It is unfortunately being attributed to Isha. There is no truth in that.
- When in doubt, check with relevant TN Government administration departments. Don't trust these vested interest groups.

Project Green Hands [Click the link to read more about it...]

- Those who have planted and taken care of trees will only know the truth of how hard it is to do at a massive scale.
- Isha volunteers claim to have given their life to do all this. Tamilnadu has been the only area in South Asia where green cover is actually increasing.
- You and I are not planting trees that much. Then who is doing this?
- Projects like Green Hands and other NGOs with some major corporates like L&T, Sony, etc. have been pioneering this effort
- When Isha volunteers saw the amount of destruction happening in deforestation, they simply went and planted thousands of trees on the Velliangiri hills. Do not believe me. Take some tree experts and with permission of forest department, check the age of trees in the hills behind Isha Foundation. 80% of them will be under 20 years of age. [This has been tested already by independent groups.]
- They are questioning the claim of how many trees Green Hands project has done. There are several corporates who are working with this team. Do you think they are not tracking all the trees that are planted?
- If you have any area in the city and are interested in making it green, please do contact the Green Hands team. I spoke to them in the Chennai Lit Fest after the Vardah cyclone where they distributed saplings.

Why celebrate MahaSivarathri in the forest [Click the link to read more about it...]

- This is the most ridiculous of all. First of all, we have conclusively seen already that this is near but not actually forest area.
- Secondly, if the Shiva temple in Isha is near forest, can MahaShivarathri be celebrated in Coimbatore city? Where is the land to do that inside the city?
- If anybody has any sense, this will be the worst argument to go with.
- And by the way, why are all these guys targeting only Hindu and Indian cultural functions? I still see Isha as an organization promoting Hindu culture. Something for all Hindus to think about seriously!

Expansion of Isha Foundation as is [Click the link to read more about it...]

- Obviously Isha Foundation started as a small group of meditators in a small area. Today they have expanded into a much larger organization.
- Now, people have to think why such group would expand unless many people started seeing the value of Isha Yoga in their lives. Millions of Isha meditators around the world vouch for the health and mental benefits they have got through Isha yoga. One or two people can lie, how will so many!!?
- When hundreds of people have to live, they need area to expand! So, they have purchased nearby patta land legally and constructed buildings.
- There is an open court case about one or two buildings for which some NOC has to be produced. This will be done by the Foundation in the court. Why bother pulling the same thing again and again?

Who is doing this? Why are they doing this? What is their intention? [Click the link to read more about it...]

- Know the criminal history of these groups

  -- Before Isha Foundation came to the foothills of Velliangiri, lot of illegal Timber merchants were operating. They cut down entire forest areas. But ever since they came, Isha has been a thorn in their side. How many of you have noted that there are at least 15 to 20 saw mills even today on the way from Coimbatore city to Poondi on Siruvani road. And these are just the legal ones.
  -- Even now, if the foundation vacates their premises, don't be under the illusion that all this will be converted into forest land. You will see the very Velliangiri mountains disappearing. For those of you who think it is not possible, just travel from Chennai to Tirupati, by road or by train. On the way, there used to be hills. Where are they now? You would not believe what these vested interests groups will do if there is no one to check them.
  -- Check with the local police station and the villagers in that area.

- Other religious groups

  -- If you have noted the history of how other religious groups have existed in Coimbatore, it has always been an uneasy equation.
  -- Islamic spread is in a certain region in the city.
  -- Can someone count the number of Christian Churches that have come up in the last ten years in Coimbatore? Just on the way from Coimbatore Railway Station to Poondi, I could count at least 15 of them on the "main Siruvani road". How are these spreading? There is an obvious funding and spread of Christian religion in the region.
  -- Other religious groups have been living intermingled among this spread.
  -- The growth of Isha as a spiritual force in Coimbatore is obviously ruffling a few feathers for some of these groups too apparently!
  -- Now, naturally wherever funding is available and the greed to expand their religion is there, such groups are also sponsoring vested interest groups to act against Isha! [Will expose these groups soon in my future posts.]

- Trend analysis

  -- If you have noted anything in Indian politics in recent times, we all know that opposition parties will always raise ruckus when the in-power government tries to do some good.
  -- These groups raising noise against Isha Foundation are just like that. They seem to do this whenever Isha starts something big.
  -- Check the trends of such attacks for yourself! They have always happened before some major event conducted by Isha.

Conclusion - What is my take for now? [Click the link to read more about it...]

Isha Foundation is not a 100% clean organization - no one in the world is. Between White and Black, there are several shades. But for an organization run by volunteers exclusively, they have done a phenomenal social work so far. Let's point out the faults, but with proper facts and give them an opportunity to correct it.

The intention of these groups is to keep defaming Isha. But I think what they are doing is providing free publicity. Hope they realize this soon. In the mean time, general public should use their own intelligence instead of getting swayed by such people, especially appealing emotionally.

Edit 1:

As recently as July 2017, it has been categorically proven in the Chennai High Court that there is no encroachment of forest land by Isha Foundation. But I doubt if the lies spread by vested interests are to stop here - I see too much ignorance from common public and too much money being spent in spreading this lie online!

Edit 2:

Had interactions with some people from Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh in July 2017. They have been actively working with Isha Foundation in tree plantation activities in their respective states. These people vouch for the professionalism and clean focus of the Project Green Hands team in executing the plantation activities! Guess one more lie spread about Isha Foundation goes for a clean six!






<More to be added soon>

Friday, February 17, 2017

Are HACA checklists interpreted subjectively?

I was going through the HACA (Hill Area Conservation Act of TamilNadu) related information. I am beginning to wonder if the rules and checklists are made in such a way to keep it open for interpretation.

Many a person has told me that some of the Government rules are so open to interpretation that the officials are at times misusing it to extract bribes from applicants.

This is Town and Country Planning Department's own checklist document :

Point #4 is great! It ensures that the land in case is not abused by anyone for unintended purposes.

Go over to point #13 ... what does this even mean? "Site lies within a distance of 500m from the boundary of live stone crusher unit"

It is half a kilometer for heavens sake! If the person applying for a stone crusher unit is questioned, it is fine. Why would you want to question a person applying to construct a normal building?

Now, point #14 ... "Site lies within a distance of 150m from the boundary of reserve Forest"

OK ... you do not want me to fall prey to wild animals from the reserve forest. I get the point. But firstly, who fixes the 150m boundary. Can a leopard or an elephant not cross the 150m distance in a couple of seconds, if it decides to attack me? Basic knowledge of physics and newton's laws regarding bodies in motion say they can!

Let's say, I am the applicant and I say 'Yes' for both these questions. What next? This is where the subjective interpretation and possibility for bribes happen.

I am not generalizing the checklist and rubbishing it. Some other points like #10 (If the site lies within a distance of 30m from Railway property boundary NOC from Railways has to be obtained) - This is clean interpretation and also makes the applicant aware of what needs to be done.

Is there little wonder that many who are constructing buildings and houses complain of harassment from various departments with such subjective interpretations?

Hey, but do go through the checklist. I am also beginning to think who will go and construct something if they have to obtain from 15+ departments and officials for making a simple building!! :)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Why I started this blog?

A happy go lucky guy, why did I start this blog?

With the advent of internet and especially facebook, many idiots who think of themselves as social activists with half-baked knowledge started posting lot of junk. The extent to which we have contradicting views is mind-boggling and we are no longer able to distinguish truth from falsehood!

This is a refreshing attempt to post only facts, even for news, with proper references. Hoping to take this a long way :)

We will not only pull out facts about various organizations but also of some popular fake activists.

And why choose eagle's eye? It is so much more sharp compared to a normal human's vision.

Don't believe me! Read it for yourself:

Listing of some of my posts, combined under various topics, is here:

Cauvery methane project

Noyyal river problems

Attack on Indian Culture

Isha Foundation Controversies - Is Isha Center in forest area?

Isha Foundation Controversies - Is Isha Center in Elephant Corridor?

Isha Foundation Controversies - Is Isha Center's AdiYogi statue illegal?

Isha Foundation Controversies - Truth about Project Green Hands

Isha Foundation Controversies - Truth about Isha's Tribal support program

Isha Foundation Controversies - Isha's Educational programs