Friday, April 5, 2019

Sadhguru and Taliban Comment - What is the truth?

What is this whole Sadhguru and Islamophobia incident about?

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev happened to be at the London School of Economics for a Youth and Truth event very recently. 

One of the panel members, Bilal, hails from Pakistan and is a practising muslim. Somebody released a doctored video a few hours back, leaking part of a private off-the-dais conversation between Sadhguru and the panel members, specifically, Mr Bilal. 

This video clip emerged showing Sadhguru calling Bilal, a 'Taliban'. I call it 'doctored' because it is not showing the full context of the discussion.

The London School of Economics Students Union (LSESU), claims it found Sadhguru's comments to be “Islamophobic”.

But if you look at their own website posting, Sadhguru’s team was contacted for comments and got an official response as below:


This is addressed to all those concerned, Bilal Bin Saqib – the London School of Economics student with whom I had interactions, and two students who were with us as part of Youth and Truth. Bilal is a wonderful young man, having aspirations to make an impact in the world, particularly in his country. The last thing I have is any ill-will or intention to abuse or insult him. It did not come out this way at any point in the conversation. It is not in my heart to insult anybody, especially not this wonderful young man with so many aspirations and intentions for the world.

This small video clip of a private conversation, which has been mischievously edited, is unfortunate. I would like to tell all those concerned that the word ‘Taliban’ in Arabic means an ‘ardent student’, which Bilal definitely is, as also the other two students are. This term is always used in India in relation to someone who is over enthusiastic. It is in that context that I was joking with Bilal, it is very unfortunate that it has been projected this way.

If this has in anyway offended or insulted anybody, this was not the intent. This private conversation was mischievously edited, with what intent, I am unable to fathom. I wish to anyway apologize to the London School of Economics and the Students Union, if it offended any of you in some way. My gratitude to the London School of Economics and the Students Union for having organised this event.

Thank you very much."

Here is the Video recorded response: 

Here is a full video link to the Youth and Truth event at the London School of Economics:

Bilal certainly does seem to be more than happy to interact with Sadhguru, if such a comment had been made before the event. 

If the video was after the event, then if you look at the video released by LSESU carefully, Mr Bilal himself just laughs it off at the end of the comment. 

That is all the more reason why the full video should be released if someone really accuses Sadhguru as being Islamophobic.

LSESU has its student union elections coming up and they sure seem to be trying to play mischief here with such posts.

Here is an unbiased view of the misunderstanding that happened and what both sides saw:

But of course, India's leftist media has picked it up now, ripe in their elections campaign agenda, and has started maligning Sadhguru online.

One does not need to believe Sadhguru and can search for the word online ourselves. 

Now, our leftist media will start accusing Google as being Islamophobic I guess.

One can take most statements made by anybody in the world, hide the real context and use it to malign that person. The left leaning media are becoming masters at the art. The truth is clear to those who want to see it in first place. 

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