Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Did Isha really cause problems for Noyyal river or Villagers?

I have earlier covered in one of my articles about this .. but I saw a silly article today on Vikatan magazine making a ridiculous allegation:

In my opinion, it is nothing but low-stooping-attack in the garb of journalism.

Man behind the mask - Kalayarasu:

(1) Kalayarasu has always been against Isha Foundation and has been defeated in multiple cases he filed against Isha earlier. So, it is easily understandable why he has posted another baseless allegation against Isha Foundation.

(2) For the first time, he has accepted that the Isha Foundation buildings are beside the forest lands in beginning of this post. Earlier, he used to spread false news that Isha foundation buildings 'were' in forest lands. This itself proves how he shuffles around facts and his credibility.

(3) Kalayarasu does not produce any proofs but just makes baseless claims. For example, his claim of Isha buildings being on 800 Acres is a lie thrown around casually! His earlier claims in Facebook were 400 acres which he has suddenly doubled. Anyway, just like the earlier claims, the new ones are also baseless!

(4) The case that this lawyer apparently claims to have put in HC has never really come from the people of Ikkarai Booluvampatti village. 

Facts regarding this baseless allegation:

(1) If indeed there was a problem to the Ikkarai Booluvampatti villagers, then they would not be welcoming Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev's rally for rivers like this. Look at these images. 

Whole of the village is actually celebrating the cause of Rally For Rivers, as if they are worshipping a deity

Strike 1 right there!

(2) Isha Foundation's buildings are not on agricultural lands. Even the lands acquired to build AdiYogi statue were earlier declassified as wet lands since no agriculture happened there for over 10 years. It has been comprehensively proved time and again, in the High Court as well.

Strike 2!

(3) It is a baseless claim that Isha Foundation closed the 'Raja Vaykaal'. There is no proof shown but just a baseless allegation stated as if it is a fact.

(4) First, let us understand how a river forms. High school science stream kids also know that hundreds of acres of forest & tree cover is required to create a single water stream. Several such water streams usually combine to form a tributary, many of which further combine to form a river. 

Just because one 'Vaaykal' is closed by someone (anyone for that matter), it does not make the river die. It is like saying I closed 1/1000th of one of my nostrils and died of asphyxiation! 😀 This is the basic science which the lawyer is obviously missing.

Strike 3!

(5) What many people do not know is that the natural flow of Noyyal is seasonal. It occurs only during the north-east monsoon months. Noyyal has been having lot of problems in the last 3-4 years because of irregular water supply. When rain water supply has been fine, the river water flow has been fine too. But now that rain water supply is not enough, it is going dry.

(6) Truth of matter is that less than 1% of Noyyal river basin is in forest area. Refer page 10 of this document:

Given all these facts, the argument that Isha Foundation is causing problems for Noyyal river water does not even make sense, let alone the other baseless allegations in that article.

Is Isha causing any problems to the Tribals?

I have earlier posted my observations along with video proofs here.

Bottom line, Isha Foundation and the tribals are happy bunch co-existing. It is these so-called activists paid by missionaries to cause trouble that keep spreading false information. Here are the videos taken while speaking to few tribal villagers.

They are saying that the Isha Foundation has been doing a world of good to them including teaching them yoga, giving free medical facilities, educational support, vocational training and livelihood support to many of the Tribals.

This itself clearly shows that the allegations are absolutely baseless and that Isha Foundation enjoys enormous support with local villagers.

Is there a crooked attempt to fudge facts?

I trust so! In the Vikatan article, the map image has following title "ஈஷா அரசின் ஒப்புதலுடன் ஆக்கிரமித்துள்ள விவசாய இடம்" which means "Lands OCCUPIED by Isha with Government consent".

However, if you really Zoom the map and see .. almost the whole area highlighted in Yellow is that of Karunya university!! 

Either there is a sleight of hand by Karunya in this whole episode or Vikatan magazine went ballistic in throwing granades against Isha, accidentally dropping some on its own foot!



1 comment:

  1. S.isha is doing world of good to mankind and there's no question of doubting them.we all respect and very much grateful to Sadguru
