Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Is Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev promoting Hinduism with his Shiva statue?

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has rarely promoted any God and had always maintained that it's upto us to seek the truth. 

Watch this video if you are interested in knowing his views clearly about seeking God.

Now, to the question of why Shiva and AdiYogi, he has explained multiple times that yogic culture does not look at Shiva as a God but as the first Yogi (i.e.) AdiYogi. 

In this video (watch from 11:55) he clearly articulates who / what is Shiva.

The AdiYogi statue is not for any worship but as an inspiration for the generations to come to take up yoga. 

In fact, most people coming to the place to see the statue also seem to have the same understanding. They address it as AdiYogi statue rather than Shiva statue.