Sunday, September 16, 2018

Solid Mercury By Hand - Rasa Vaidya - Stands NOT debunked

There is lot of noise about pseudo-science and such nonsense, especially when it comes to anything that is related to Hinduism or more specifically Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev these days!

One thing I wanted to address is the debunking of solid mercury that Sadhguru uses in his consecration processes citing one video by Mr Cody: 

I saw Cody's video. Any high school student enthusiast of Chemistry could do what Cody did - add copper to mercury to turn it into solid! Seriously!?

Now check out this video: 

This is uploaded by someone as an abridged version of a much longer DVD released by the Isha Foundation. I saw the full video on the DVD as well.

The longer version videos can be found here:

What's the difference?

I will point out three key differences - that busts the 'debunking' itself.

(1) As per Cody's experiment, there has to be a new metal that is added to liquid mercury to convert it to solid. Sadhguru does not use any. He claims to do it with his energies! 

(2) The semi-solid state of mercury as per Cody's experiment becomes rock solid after a while. The video that shows Sadhguru handling semi-solid mercury was taken over a period of few hours (thousands of people were witness to this process in 2010) and it still remains in that state!

(3) The Cody guy uses gloves to avoid contamination and also the heat of the combining process. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev does not have any gloves or anything - no heating, nothing! He is just using his hand to take the liquid mercury from the vessel and use it like a solid. What happened to people going nuts coming in touch with Mercury, etc.? He is brighter than ever and is just fine! 

Science is still blind in some areas

It is time modern science accepts that there are certain things beyond it. And if someone has a truly scientific bent of mind, they would not be closed to newer possibilities. You might just go and ask how to do it with Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and who knows, he might teach you! Is there such a humble scientist willing to stand up to the task? :)