Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Isha Yoga Center and the lies about Elephant Corridor!

What is the allegation on Isha Foundation about elephants?

There is an allegation on the Isha Foundation that the Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore is blocking an elephant corridor.
We thought we will do an independent study of all this and find out the truth for ourselves. Here is what we found out so far.

First of all, what is an elephant corridor?

A wildlife corridor may be defined in simple terms as a relatively narrow strip of habitat that provides a passage for the target species to move between two larger expanses of habitat. Field observations in southern India indicate that both elephant herds and solitary bulls use passage that are 0.5 km to 1 km wide and less than about 5 km long.

The corridors identified in the reports are based on Crucial parameters like migration paths, use pattern by elephants, critical bottle neck areas. 

Who is the authority on Elephant Corridors in India?

The Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) is a leading Indian nature conservation organisation committed to the service of nature and supports the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India.

What are the key documentation listing elephant corridors?

A simple search on Google will reveal this information.

The WTI has published a comprehensive document called 'Right of passage: Elephant Corridors of India' in 2017.

There is another document called 'Gajah, Securing the Future for Elephants in India' published by Union Ministry of Environment and Forests in 2010.

There is a very brief talk about vehicular movement in the Valparai-Pollachi road for Attakati - Valparai area in the SACON document.

This is several miles away from where Isha Foundation is located in Coimbatore.

What does the Tamilnadu Government say about the elephant corridors?

The primary source of Tamilnadu Government's online data is their website:

The Tamilnadu Government’s website actually lists the reserves for elephants in Tamilnadu but has nothing related to the Isha Yoga Center in Tamilnadu!

What does the 'WTI - Right of Passage' report say about Isha Foundation?

Pages 372 to 375 of the WTI document cover about an elephant corridor through the Booluvampatti-Attapadi Reserve forest.

The document identifies the corridor length as 9 KM and width as 1 KM max. Estimated elephant population in that landscape is 390. This is the closest elephant corridor to Isha Yoga Center, which is still several miles away from where the center is located.

Major buildings in the elephant corridor area are referred as: Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON), Karl Kubel Institute, PSG Institution and Swami Dayanand Saraswati Ashram.

The villages that fall into the elephant corridor are: Kandivalli, Kondanur Pudur, Panapalli and Moongilpallam are located in and around the corridor area.

There are some villages dependent on the elephant corridor area: Sembukarai, Kandivalli, Dhoomanur, Panapalli, Jambukandi, Veerapandi Pudur, Kondanur, Mel Baavi, Pudur, Kil Baavi.

Facts to consider:

- Isha Foundation is not part of the Booluvampatti Reserve Forest. It is outside the reserve forest area.

- The buildings of Isha Foundation are not even mentioned in the report though many other would-be / proposed projects are also listed. This is simply because they are not in the elephant corridor.

- Villages near Isha Foundation are not even mentioned in the major human settlements section, because they also are not in the elephant corridor.

If we look at where the Isha Yoga Center is located from each of the places mentioned, the aerial distance itself is several kilometres. On road distance is way too high.

Distance from Veerapandi Pudur (>17 KM aerial distance)

Distance from SACON (>14 KM aerial distance)

Distance from Karl Kubel institute (>15 KM aerial distance)

What’s in a Name? A whole lot!

There is the ‘Booluvampatti’ which is the reserved forest area, the borders of which are close to the Isha Yoga Center. Then there is ‘Boluvampatti’ village which is on the other side of the Isha Foundation. There is a ‘Pooluvapatti’ village down below that has nothing to do with all this. So, some people are confusing the Boluvampatti village with Booluvampatti reserved forest and saying Isha Center is in forest area. The map shows that it is not so clearly.

Now what does the 'Gajah' report contain?

There is not a single reference to Isha or Booluvampatti areas in this document! Pages 59 - 61 of this document talk about the Brahmagiri - Nilgiri landscape, Anamalai - Nelliampathy landscape and Periyar - Agasthyamalai landscape for elephants. None of them even remotely mention about the Booluvampatti area or the Isha Foundation for that matter.

The Gajah report in fact refers to and talks about the Wild Life Trust of India report on how to preserve elephant corridor areas.

What have neutral / independent researchers found?

While searching online, there is not much research by independent researches. One good publication is:

Their findings clearly show that the Isha yoga center is not anywhere near an elephant corridor.

"The Isha Yoga Center falls within the Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu state. Currently, the Forest Department has NOT created any Elephant Corridor in this district. This was a big surprise for me considering the hue and cry the allegations make about the usurping of Elephant Corridor! One can place an RTI request with the Department of Environment, Tamil Nadu and ascertain this for themselves. The Tamil Nadu forest department has created an elephant corridor in 2011 in the Nilgiris district that adjoins the Coimbatore district. This is nowhere near the Isha Yoga Center."

One more such analysis is published on:

Marudamalai – Thanikandy Corridor is encircled in the north and south by Coimbatore, on the west by Kerala and on the east by Iruttupallam village in Tamil Nadu. It is still a few kilometres away from where the Isha Yoga Center is! And the major threat to the corridor is actually cited as the expansion of Agriculture in its area. What has the Isha Foundation got to do with this?

If it is not an elephant corridor, why are elephants seen near the Isha Center at times?

If one knows anything about elephants, one would know that elephants are herd beings. They always move in a group. The sightings of elephants near Isha Center have not been like a big herd of elephants. Most of the sightings are of stray elephants which have moved away from their herd. 

Such stray elephants have been seen in almost all parts of Coimbatore, not just near the Isha Center. Check these out:

The lands near Isha Foundation have been agricultural lands, with primarily sugarcane, tamarind and banana plantations. All of these are very attractive for elephants as sources of food! Some of these lands no longer have sugarcane crops but elephants come habitually when there is a shortage of food and water in the forest.

Where traditional farmers practised rain-fed subsistence agriculture for a few months in a year, today, farmers have assured irrigation through borewells and tubewells. Farmers have turned to growing crops such as sugarcane, banana and arecanut that bring better income.

The Government and NGO officials are clear on what is causing elephants to raid crops:

“Before 1995, farmers practised rain-fed agriculture, and during January (harvest period) and February, elephants occasionally raided crops. Later, the foothill landscape changed. People from different places brought land here and started practising commercial agriculture. Rain-fed farming changed to the farming of perennial crops.”

Over the years, WWF-India has adopted a range of methods to facilitate effective measures to manage human-elephant conflict (HEC) in the region. Developing site specific HEC management strategies, capacitating local communities and state forest departments, forming anti-depredation squads, and even installing low cost power fences are some of the many initiatives that have been undertaken.

So, usage of power fences is a recommended method. Some farmers tend to abuse it though by using high-tension power fences. Such a thing does not happen with the Isha Foundation.

Also, this is not an isolated phenomenon that elephants come into nearby places in search of food or sometimes just like that. Here is a recent instance (March 2020) when a tusker walked into Wayanad after the Corona Virus lockdown had happened. 


So, such an argument does not even hold water.

No, No, Not Elephant Corridor – it is Elephant Habitat!

Some so-called activists are now changing the narrative stating that the issue is not about elephant corridor but about elephant habitat! This is not just invention of a new term but a nefarious intent to malign the Foundation somehow.

Any wildlife habitat indicates the area in which that wildlife lives. Typically, elephant habitats involve several square kilometres of forest area where elephant herds live. It is not a place where they visit periodically but a place where they ‘live’! There is no list of habitats or anything like this. There has never been one. 

You will not find a single authentic document by online search also.

So, these people are just manufacturing new terms and new type of allegations against the Foundation.

What is the Isha Foundation itself saying about all this?

The Isha Foundation has published all these proofs that it's not in elephant corridor on its website itself. Several instances in the past, during interviews also have the Foundation representatives have refuted these allegations.


It is very clear that there is no truth whatsoever to the allegations on Isha Yoga Center occupying Elephant Corridor. Several sources have been analysed and facts understood before concluding so.

An earlier related post in this blog has some of this information already and this post is for providing more clarity: 

More references:

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lies about Isha Foundation's deforestation debunked with Google Earth Pro

I have given enough arguments in my earlier posts of this same blog proving that there are no forests destroyed by the Isha Foundation.

The Foundation themselves have come up with clear explanations on this page:

I thought of looking at the images used to spread the false news first. Here is the popular version of it:

The first thing that strikes anybody is how lush green the left side looks and how pale the right side looks in comparison. And that in itself felt very fishy to me! 

So, I downloaded Google Earth Pro myself and looked at the images. This is the isolated 2006 Google Earth Pro image of the Isha Yoga Center. 

Compare this with the alleged image.

It does not take great brains to understand the image alleging Isha destroying the hills is a fake one by merely comparing the colours! 

This is the alleged 2006 vs actual 2006 Google Earth image of the Isha Yoga Center.

In the image shown alleging destruction of hills, the farmlands are also green. But the actual Google Earth Pro image shows the farms in their original colours.

There is no way this could have been achieved but by applying a green filter to deliberately make the 2006 image appear lush green throughout.

So, obviously somebody has fooled the whole of humanity which is believing this lie with a simple photoshop trick! Also, the 2006 version does not look anything like what is shown in the alleged image!

This is the isolated image of the Isha Yoga Center in 2011. One can obviously see that the Yoga center has purchased the lands nearby and expanded into those. But where is the forest area in this whole thing!?

Now, let's look at the 2016 actual Google Earth Pro image of the Isha Yoga Center.

Again, the 2016 alleged vs actual Google Earth Pro comparison shows that the same story repeats.

Look at the difference in colour shades. The lush green on the left side of the Isha Yoga Center has deliberately been tampered with in the alleged image.

The actual 2006 vs 2016 Google Earth Pro image looks like this:

Three things to note: 

#1 - They are appearing in two different shades because of the time of day at which such Satellite images are taken

#2 - Isha Foundation's expansion is only on the right side (i.e.) mainly in the circled area

#3 - Both these actual images are different from what appears in the alleged image of the Isha Yoga Center in 2006 vs 2016

Look carefully at these images for yourself and figure out how one could have fallen for such fake images that destroy the reputation of an otherwise decent organization.

As I had already indicated in one of my blog posts, the person who triggered all these 'Google Earth' images of Isha Foundation raising the deforestation talks has later apologised about it. He has categorically stated that there is no deforestation by Isha.

Now that you know, help spread this post and let's stop the lies being thrown around callously.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Why are people calling Isha Foundation a Non Profit Organization?

A lot of people have been asking why Isha Foundation is a non-profit organization but is collecting money for its programs. Many of them are asking this question genuinely and of course some of them with malicious intent. What most of them are not understanding is the very definition of a NPO.

Refer this Wikipedia link:

"A nonprofit organization (NPO), also known as a non-business entity or nonprofit institution, is dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view. In economic terms, it is an organization that uses its surplus of the revenues to further achieve its ultimate objective, rather than distributing its income to the organization's shareholders, leaders, or members. Nonprofits are tax exempt or charitable, meaning they do not pay income tax on the money that they receive for their organization. They can operate in religious, scientific, research, or educational settings.

The key aspects of nonprofits are accountability, trustworthiness, honesty, and openness to every person who has invested time, money, and faith into the organization. Nonprofit organizations are accountable to the donors, funders, volunteers, program recipients, and the public community. Public confidence is a factor in the amount of money that a nonprofit organization is able to raise. The more nonprofits focus on their mission, the more public confidence they will have, and as a result, more money for the organization. The activities a nonprofit is partaking in can help build the public’s confidence in nonprofits, as well as how ethical the standards and practices are."

It is very important for everyone to understand the nuances of these. So, let's look at the different aspects of this first.

(1) Mode of raising money

A common misconception is that nonprofit organizations may not make a profit. Although the goal of nonprofits isn't specifically to maximize profits, they still have to operate as a fiscally responsible business. They must manage their income (both grants and donations and income from services) and expenses so as to remain a fiscally viable entity. Nonprofits have the responsibility of focusing on being professional, financially responsible, replacing self-interest and profit motive with mission motive.

The Wikipedia link also says this: "Nonprofits are not driven by generating profit, but they must produce enough income to pursue their social duties. Nonprofits are able to raise money in different ways. This includes income from donations from individual donors or foundations, sponsorships from corporations, income from government funding, income from programs, services or merchandise sales, and income from investments."

So, this very point clearly validates the approaches used by the Isha Foundation for raising money - through several of its programs, volunteer donations, merchandise sales, etc. What they do with that money, they definitely are accountable to the Government.

Of course, only those who are interested donate into it! To give a close analogy from the software world, Open-source software does not mean Free software!

(2) Dedicated to further a particular social cause

Isha Foundation dedicates itself to the main cause of raising human consciousness through its spiritual program offerings. But they have also been running massive-scale social projects:

- Action For Rural Rejuvenation
- Project GreenHands
- Isha Vidhya, etc.

Each of these projects, though operating with minimal resources, have had a tremendous impact in the society.

I have covered some of these aspects already:

What Isha Foundation has done for farmers, especially in the rural areas:

What Isha Foundation has done in terms of education (only one part of it though):

What Isha Foundation has done in terms of tree plantation:

What Isha Foundation has done for Rural population in general:

A tremendous amount of work has been put in by the Foundation. Some of the praise-worthy initiatives are:

- Operating mobile health clinics reaching over 2.2 million rural people
- Rural health clinics treating on an average 60+ patients each day
- Health awareness campaigns conducted through the state
- Disaster relief measures for Cuddalore Tsunami region, Chennai floods, Kerala floods, etc.
- Livelihood generation programs for rural people
- Isha Gramotsavam to restore dying village arts & sports in Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh
- More than 3 million saplings distributed, planted and tracked 
- More than 35 nurseries across Tamilnadu and Pondicherry
- Dozens of Free Organic farming training sessions for farmers in Tamilnadu
- Thousands of schools engaged in tree plantation and nurturing
- 8000+ students provided scholarship education in rural Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh
- Training 1000s of teachers in Government schools for providing better education
- Free yoga classes in rural areas
- Free housing in the villages surrounding Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore, etc. 

No mainstream media usually publishes these, but that is the massive scale of work being silently done by this organization (one of the reasons why I admire it).

No wonder, they have a special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council in these areas and have won several state & central awards, under different governments / political party rules.

(3) Tax exempt

The NPOs are generally tax exempt and that means anybody who is donating money to these organizations will be given a tax exemption certificate that can be used for claiming Income Tax exemptions (upto 50% or 100% depending on the organization).

It also does not mean that the Non-Profit Organization is itself exempt from Income Tax Audits. That directly leads to #4.

(4) Accountability and Ethics

Any and all NPOs are subject at any point of time to Income Tax Audits. That is one of the critical means adopted by the Governments to keep a tab on the ethical accountability of the NPO. 

Just because an organization has earned the Non-Profit status once does not mean, it can do any nonsense and continue retaining that status. 

The following laws or Constitutional Articles of the Republic of India are relevant to the NGOs / NPOs:

  • Articles 19(1)(c) and 30 of the Constitution of India
  • Income Tax Act, 1961
  • Public Trusts Acts of various states
  • Societies Registration Act, 1860
  • Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 (Section 8 as per the new Companies Act, 2013)
  • Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976.

Hope this post clarifies what is applicable and what is not, as far as the Non-profit Organization status of the Isha Foundation is concerned. And in any case, it is the Government of India that had recognized the Isha Foundation as a NPO based on a thorough verification all the credentials supplied, decades ago! It is not easy for any and all to apply for such a status and get it.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Solid Mercury By Hand - Rasa Vaidya - Stands NOT debunked

There is lot of noise about pseudo-science and such nonsense, especially when it comes to anything that is related to Hinduism or more specifically Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev these days!

One thing I wanted to address is the debunking of solid mercury that Sadhguru uses in his consecration processes citing one video by Mr Cody: 

I saw Cody's video. Any high school student enthusiast of Chemistry could do what Cody did - add copper to mercury to turn it into solid! Seriously!?

Now check out this video: 

This is uploaded by someone as an abridged version of a much longer DVD released by the Isha Foundation. I saw the full video on the DVD as well.

The longer version videos can be found here:

What's the difference?

I will point out three key differences - that busts the 'debunking' itself.

(1) As per Cody's experiment, there has to be a new metal that is added to liquid mercury to convert it to solid. Sadhguru does not use any. He claims to do it with his energies! 

(2) The semi-solid state of mercury as per Cody's experiment becomes rock solid after a while. The video that shows Sadhguru handling semi-solid mercury was taken over a period of few hours (thousands of people were witness to this process in 2010) and it still remains in that state!

(3) The Cody guy uses gloves to avoid contamination and also the heat of the combining process. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev does not have any gloves or anything - no heating, nothing! He is just using his hand to take the liquid mercury from the vessel and use it like a solid. What happened to people going nuts coming in touch with Mercury, etc.? He is brighter than ever and is just fine! 

Science is still blind in some areas

It is time modern science accepts that there are certain things beyond it. And if someone has a truly scientific bent of mind, they would not be closed to newer possibilities. You might just go and ask how to do it with Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and who knows, he might teach you! Is there such a humble scientist willing to stand up to the task? :)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Did Sadhguru Support re-opening of Sterlite?


The whole confusion started when the twisted media of TamilNadu picked just one Tweet out of his Twitter Thread and created confusion around that. 

Here is a shameless plagiarism from a Facebook post that explains the whole sequence beautifully! (Some of the content below is in Tamil but mostly has the English equivalent along...)

"என்னது!!! சத்குரு ஸ்டெர்லைட் பத்தி பேசிட்டாரா. அவர் என்ன பேசினாரோ கொஞ்சம் வெச்சுக்கிட்டு மக்கள் உணர்ச்சி தூண்டுற மாதிரி மீதி நம்ம எழுதிக்கலாம். மக்கள் என்ன அவர் பேசியதை முழுவதையும் தெரிந்து கொள்வார்களா என்ன!!! மிஞ்சி மிஞ்சி போனால் செய்தி தலைப்பு தான் படிப்பார்கள்" - சில ஊடகங்களின் இன்றைய செயல்.

#SterliteIssue அரசாங்கம் ஸ்டெர்லைட் தொழிற்சாலையை மூடியதற்கு எவரும் சுட்டிக்காட்டாத விஷயம் ஆலைகள் மூடுவதுதான் நிலையான தீர்வா என்பது. அதை சத்குரு அவர்கள் CNN NEWS18 எடுத்த நேர்காணலில் மிகவும் தெளிவாக இந்த அரசின் நிலையற்ற தீர்வை சுட்டிக்காட்டி, கடுமையான சட்டங்கள் மூலமாக மாசு ஏற்படுத்தும் ஆலைகளை கட்டுக்குள் கொண்டு வருவது தான் நிலையான தீர்வாக இருக்க முடியுமே தவிர மூடிவிடுவது தீர்வாகிவிடாது என்றார். வழக்கம் போல ஊடகங்கள் தங்கள் வேலையை பலவிதமாக திரித்து கூற தொடங்கினர். உண்மையிலேயே சத்குரு கூறியதென்ன என தெரிந்து கொள்ள ஆர்வமிருந்தால் படித்து அறிவீர்👍

"Now you close down an industry because of political pressure, this is not right. You compel the industry to make sure pollution doesn't happen. I'm sure there are ways to do it, everywhere in the world people are doing it, isn't it? If they have by passed some laws and done something, penalise them for that. You close down business after business like this,where will you take this country" என பதிலளித்துள்ளார்.

CNN NEWS18 முழு நேர்காணல்:

திமுக வை சேர்ந்த திரு. இளங்கோவன் அவரின் அரசியல் ரீதியான சாடலுக்கும் Twitterல் பதிலளித்தார்👇

Yes I do not know all the facts on ground regarding #Sterlite fiasco. But if we continue to close down industries & businesses , what is the future of this Nation? Address #pollution violations but let us not extinguish young lives & kill commerce. -Sg @Elangovantks @Zakka_Jacob

பின்னர் தன்னுடைய கருத்தை Twitterல் மறுபடியும் தமிழக அரசுக்கும் இந்திய அரசுக்கும் சுட்டிக்காட்டினார்👇

Am not an expert on copper smelting but I know India has immense use for copper. If we don't produce our own, of course we will buy from China. Ecological violations can be addressed legally. Lynching large businesses is economic suicide.-Sg
@Zakka_Jacob @CMOTamilNadu

Mirror Now என்ற தொலைக்காட்சி Twitterல்

#ReporterLive: After @yogrishiramdev, now @SadhguruJV defends Sterlite. Says, 'lynching large businesses is economic suicide'.

என சித்தரிக்கப்பட்ட தலைப்புடன் பதிவிட அதற்கும் பதிலளித்தார்👇

I am not in support of #Sterlite or any other industry or political party. Address environmental violations legally. Burning public property or closing down businesses is not in national interest. Do not politicise, LIVES HAVE BEEN LOST. -Sg @MirrorNow

பின்னர் தமிழக அமைச்சர் திரு. ஜெயகுமார் கூறியதாக NDTV Twitterல் வெளியிட்ட செய்தியில், "Sterlite plant won't be reopened, we don't care about views of Ramdev and Sadhguru": Tamil Nadu minister என பதிவிட அதற்கு தனது பதிலாக👇

Dear Minister, I did not recommend reopening of any industry. First of all it is for the govt to ensure there are no violations, if any dispute legal recourse.... Getting citizens on the street and getting them killed when out of control is not the way. I know there is lot of emotion but sense should not hurt.This is our Bharat in 21st century. Not pre-1947. -Sg @djayakumarfans @ndtv @IndianExpress @Actor_Siddharth

என தனது நிலைப்பாட்டை திட்ட வட்டமாக பதிவிட்டார்.

இது தெரிந்து கொள்ளாமல் நம்மில் சிலர் அறியாமையில் அவர் கூறியதை குறை கூறுகின்றோம்.

சற்று யோசியுங்கள், ஸ்டெர்லைட் போன்ற ஆலைகள் எத்தனையோ இருக்கலாம் தமிழகத்தில்,அவற்றிலிருந்து முற்றிலுமாக ஒரு நல்ல தீர்வு நமக்கு வேண்டாமா?
மூடுவது வேண்டுமானால் அரசியல் செய்ய ஆதாயமாக இருக்கலாம், ஆனால் சட்டப்பூர்வமாக தொழிற்சாலைகளை நெறிப்படுத்தி மாசு இல்லாமல் செயலாற்ற செய்வதே நிலையான தீர்வாக இருக்கும், நம் அனைவருக்கும் நன்மையும் கொடுக்கும்🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳