Thursday, February 23, 2017

Noyyal river - its origins, problems and One-child policy!

What has one-child policy got to do with Noyyal river? 

A lot, especially if you are from the Kongu belt (Coimbatore, Erode and Salem districts) of Tamilnadu. The facts in this regards are as below:

* Noyyal river is one of the popular ones in Tamilnadu, mainly known for its water with medicinal properties.

* Some people are arguing that because of some institutions (including the Isha Yoga Center) having their buildings in the Noyyal catchment area, the river has been depleting. Look at the below map carefully. You can see that the whole of Coimbatore, Avinashi and Tiruppur is within the catchment area! So, going by this argument, all these cities & towns have to be vacated!

* What many people do not know is that the natural flow of Noyyal is seasonal. It occurs only during the north-east monsoon months.

* Noyyal has been having lot of problems in the last 4 to 5 years because of irregular water supply. When rain water supply has been fine, the river water flow has been fine too. But when that rain water supply is not enough, it is going dry.

* Isha Foundation's buildings are a few Kilometres far from the river bed. There is a single small stream which flows through the lands and is left unobstructed.

* Even High school science students know that hundreds of acres of forest & tree cover is required to create a single water stream. Several such water streams usually combine to form a tributary, many of which further combine to form a river.

* Truth of matter is that less than 1% of Noyyal river basin is in forest area. Refer page 10 of this document:

* Majority of water supply to the Noyyal river is because of the rainfall. Page 9 of the research document (linked above) clearly indicates this:

"The natural flow of the Noyyal is seasonal and occurs only during the north-east monsoon months. However, urban domestic and industrial sewage from Coimbatore and return flows from the Lower Bhavani Project (LBP) all drain into the Noyyal; so it experiences perennial flow in some stretches. Occasionally, flash floods occur after heavy rain events.

Rainfall in the basin is highly variable due to the orographic effect of the Western Ghats. The mountains form a ‘rain shadow area’ (with respect to the south-west monsoon) over the plain, which consequently has a dry climate. The extreme western and upper reaches usually receive more than 3000 mm annually during the southwest monsoon, whereas the major eastern part of the basin receives an annual rainfall of 600 mm, which mostly occurs during the north-east monsoon."

<1% of Noyyal river basin goes through and is near a forest area and in that <0.0001% is flowing through lands near the Isha Yoga Center.

* The argument that many institutions near Velliangiri hills are causing problems for Noyyal river water does not make sense.

* I sought all this information out after watching a guy passionately putting lie after lie in a TV interview about the Isha Foundation!

* However, the woes about Noyyal do not end there. Pollution to Noyyal is causing severe health hazards to people consuming the water down the line.

* The illegal (and unregistered) units operating on Noyyal river basin have been dumping pollutants into the river waters. This has been a serious problem for a while.

* When cattle and people consume these polluted waters, it is causing unspeakable health hazards to humans!

* The infertility rate in young adults has had a 20-30% rise in the last 5 years. Some of it is attributed to lifestyle reasons like stress, too much of travel, etc. and also water / air pollution.

* Why are so many fertility clinics coming up in the Coimbatore and Erode districts of TamilNadu in the last 5 years? Is this an organized attempt to grow the medical business in the Kongu area?

* It is time for people to think what is causing all this and make attempts to fix it. Otherwise, there is a serious risk of the following in the Kongu belt:
- More people being affected by Cancer
- More infertile and childless couples
- More cattle dying due to health problems caused by river water
- More farmers suffering due to the polluted water

Refer these studies to know more about it:

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