Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Allegations about Isha - Part 2 - Is Isha destroying forest really?

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my first post to know more...

Destroying forest

  • For how many days are we going to listen to these lies? Isn't it time to find out what the truth is?
  • - Who is the authority on forests? Isn't it the TN Govt administration departments? If they, including the forest and the land registration departments both say Isha's lands are legally acquired patta lands, why should we continue to believe these cheats?
  • - For those who do not know, just because a patta land is near forest, it does not become forest area automatically!

  • So, this is automatically rubbished by the concerned authorities itself.

Edit 1:

As recently as July 2017, it has been categorically proven in the Chennai High Court that there is no encroachment of forest land by Isha Foundation. But I doubt if the lies spread by vested interests are to stop here - I see too much ignorance from common public and too much money being spent in spreading this lie online!

Edit 2:

The very person who triggered all these 'Google Earth' images of Isha Foundation raising the deforestation talks has later apologised about it. He has categorically stated that there is no deforestation by Isha.


(1) CFCIT/07/2013 - TN Forest Department document

(2) http://isha.sadhguru.org/blog/inside-isha/media-matters/is-isha-encroaching-elephant-corridor/

(3) http://isha.sadhguru.org/blog/inside-isha/media-matters/response-allegations-isha-foundation/


  1. Some People are always following the negative spreads blindly. Hats off to your effort for clarifying.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. இது தான் முற்றிலும் உண்மை சில நபர்கள் தங்களது சுய லாபத்திற்காகவும் வேறு சில காரணமாகவும் இது போன்ற வதந்திகளை பரப்பிவருகின்றனர்,

  4. They are trying to publish their face in to social media. So only they spread un wanted allegations against anyone's without proof

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