Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Allegations on Isha - What is the truth?

[Disclaimer: I am not associated with Isha Foundation. All the information below is available in public domain. Will add more references and images soon.]

Introduction [Click the link to read more about it...]

I have been tracking the allegations against Isha Foundation in the recent times to find what the truth is. However, there is a spike in the negative comments recently! What are all these allegations about Isha starting afresh? Some of these are not even new! Just saw some posts today from popular magazines. This is why I started this blog, to dig out the truths and post them. Read my first post to know more...

These groups / persons posting negative information about Isha, they are not actually many. Just a handful of them but with lot of followers. They seem to understand through the recent Jallikattu success that powerful information can be spread via social media. They are trying to exploit the emotional state of TamilNadu people now. [Another bane of Social media that I will address in a separate post ..]

Destroying forest [Click the link to read more about it...]

- For how many days are we going to listen to these lies? Isn't it time to find out what the truth is?
- Who is the authority on forests? Isn't it the TN Government departments? If they, including the forest and the land registration departments both say Isha's lands are legally acquired patta lands, why should we continue to believe these cheats?
- For those who do not know, just because a patta land is near forest, it does not become forest area automatically!
- So, this is automatically rubbished by the concerned authorities itself.

Elephant corridor [Click the link to read more about it...]

- Basically #1 about Isha not being on forest land itself rubbishes this argument also.
- But if someone wants to know the truth, Isha has published the rebuttal already on their website with clear proofs that they are not in an elephant corridor!
- If there is no elephant corridor, then why elephants are seen in that area? Do you know that the locals in the area have plantains and tamarind plantation in a massive scale in this area? Even local autowallahs, tribals and the forest officials know that these attract the elephants.
- Coupled with the fact that there has been very less rain, the elephants have been coming more frequently to outside forest areas for water. Talk to anyone in the Viraliyur village to know about the antics of these elephants. You will be reminded of the "Kumki" tamil movie where an elephant steals pickle from a road side shop.
- Take the statistics of Elephant-Human conflict with the TN Government administration departments and see how many have been in the area Isha is. Even take a wider circle of a few KM radius. You will still find nothing.
- All the pictures and posts these guys are talking about are taken from elephant deaths in other areas. It is unfortunately being attributed to Isha. There is no truth in that.
- When in doubt, check with relevant TN Government administration departments. Don't trust these vested interest groups.

Project Green Hands [Click the link to read more about it...]

- Those who have planted and taken care of trees will only know the truth of how hard it is to do at a massive scale.
- Isha volunteers claim to have given their life to do all this. Tamilnadu has been the only area in South Asia where green cover is actually increasing.
- You and I are not planting trees that much. Then who is doing this?
- Projects like Green Hands and other NGOs with some major corporates like L&T, Sony, etc. have been pioneering this effort
- When Isha volunteers saw the amount of destruction happening in deforestation, they simply went and planted thousands of trees on the Velliangiri hills. Do not believe me. Take some tree experts and with permission of forest department, check the age of trees in the hills behind Isha Foundation. 80% of them will be under 20 years of age. [This has been tested already by independent groups.]
- They are questioning the claim of how many trees Green Hands project has done. There are several corporates who are working with this team. Do you think they are not tracking all the trees that are planted?
- If you have any area in the city and are interested in making it green, please do contact the Green Hands team. I spoke to them in the Chennai Lit Fest after the Vardah cyclone where they distributed saplings.

Why celebrate MahaSivarathri in the forest [Click the link to read more about it...]

- This is the most ridiculous of all. First of all, we have conclusively seen already that this is near but not actually forest area.
- Secondly, if the Shiva temple in Isha is near forest, can MahaShivarathri be celebrated in Coimbatore city? Where is the land to do that inside the city?
- If anybody has any sense, this will be the worst argument to go with.
- And by the way, why are all these guys targeting only Hindu and Indian cultural functions? I still see Isha as an organization promoting Hindu culture. Something for all Hindus to think about seriously!

Expansion of Isha Foundation as is [Click the link to read more about it...]

- Obviously Isha Foundation started as a small group of meditators in a small area. Today they have expanded into a much larger organization.
- Now, people have to think why such group would expand unless many people started seeing the value of Isha Yoga in their lives. Millions of Isha meditators around the world vouch for the health and mental benefits they have got through Isha yoga. One or two people can lie, how will so many!!?
- When hundreds of people have to live, they need area to expand! So, they have purchased nearby patta land legally and constructed buildings.
- There is an open court case about one or two buildings for which some NOC has to be produced. This will be done by the Foundation in the court. Why bother pulling the same thing again and again?

Who is doing this? Why are they doing this? What is their intention? [Click the link to read more about it...]

- Know the criminal history of these groups

  -- Before Isha Foundation came to the foothills of Velliangiri, lot of illegal Timber merchants were operating. They cut down entire forest areas. But ever since they came, Isha has been a thorn in their side. How many of you have noted that there are at least 15 to 20 saw mills even today on the way from Coimbatore city to Poondi on Siruvani road. And these are just the legal ones.
  -- Even now, if the foundation vacates their premises, don't be under the illusion that all this will be converted into forest land. You will see the very Velliangiri mountains disappearing. For those of you who think it is not possible, just travel from Chennai to Tirupati, by road or by train. On the way, there used to be hills. Where are they now? You would not believe what these vested interests groups will do if there is no one to check them.
  -- Check with the local police station and the villagers in that area.

- Other religious groups

  -- If you have noted the history of how other religious groups have existed in Coimbatore, it has always been an uneasy equation.
  -- Islamic spread is in a certain region in the city.
  -- Can someone count the number of Christian Churches that have come up in the last ten years in Coimbatore? Just on the way from Coimbatore Railway Station to Poondi, I could count at least 15 of them on the "main Siruvani road". How are these spreading? There is an obvious funding and spread of Christian religion in the region.
  -- Other religious groups have been living intermingled among this spread.
  -- The growth of Isha as a spiritual force in Coimbatore is obviously ruffling a few feathers for some of these groups too apparently!
  -- Now, naturally wherever funding is available and the greed to expand their religion is there, such groups are also sponsoring vested interest groups to act against Isha! [Will expose these groups soon in my future posts.]

- Trend analysis

  -- If you have noted anything in Indian politics in recent times, we all know that opposition parties will always raise ruckus when the in-power government tries to do some good.
  -- These groups raising noise against Isha Foundation are just like that. They seem to do this whenever Isha starts something big.
  -- Check the trends of such attacks for yourself! They have always happened before some major event conducted by Isha.

Conclusion - What is my take for now? [Click the link to read more about it...]

Isha Foundation is not a 100% clean organization - no one in the world is. Between White and Black, there are several shades. But for an organization run by volunteers exclusively, they have done a phenomenal social work so far. Let's point out the faults, but with proper facts and give them an opportunity to correct it.

The intention of these groups is to keep defaming Isha. But I think what they are doing is providing free publicity. Hope they realize this soon. In the mean time, general public should use their own intelligence instead of getting swayed by such people, especially appealing emotionally.

Edit 1:

As recently as July 2017, it has been categorically proven in the Chennai High Court that there is no encroachment of forest land by Isha Foundation. But I doubt if the lies spread by vested interests are to stop here - I see too much ignorance from common public and too much money being spent in spreading this lie online!

Edit 2:

Had interactions with some people from Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh in July 2017. They have been actively working with Isha Foundation in tree plantation activities in their respective states. These people vouch for the professionalism and clean focus of the Project Green Hands team in executing the plantation activities! Guess one more lie spread about Isha Foundation goes for a clean six!


(1) http://isha.sadhguru.org/blog/inside-isha/media-matters/is-isha-encroaching-elephant-corridor/

(2) http://isha.sadhguru.org/blog/inside-isha/media-matters/response-allegations-isha-foundation/

(3) http://www.ecowalkthetalk.com/blog/2012/09/01/sadhguru-jaggi-vasudev-project-green-hands-and-tree-planting-in-tamil-nadu/

(4) http://www.nbrienvis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CMS/ProjectGreenHandsReport.pdf

<More to be added soon>


  1. Amazing writing Anna. Don't write in favour of Isha, nor against Isha. Just keep writing in unbiased, neutral manner. Seeing things, as they are. And most importantly, do not allow anyone to influence you. This can become a transforming experience for you.

  2. Thank you for the clarifications! Great Job!

  3. Well compiled post. .
    You may be (or you are) right in stating other religion's are growing, hills disappearing between Chennai to Tirupathi, Dozens of Saw mills sprouted between Coimbatore to Poundon siruvani road etc etc..
    Just one simple Question to the great divine group's. . With all your power and following why don't you spend your Energy and money on these barren lands by first planting saplings and nurturing them. Build your Ashram or Temple near that and create a place for new settlement.The wealthy followers can fund the same.Two benefits result. . One tree's grown and environmental up gradation and new colony or city developed and help people migrate It's only a my humble suggestion and not a destructive criticism.. Frankly I don't know much about Esha foundation execpt it is one group with huge fund's practicing Yoga.. Sorry if I'm wrong about Esha.. But I confirm my view's. .

    1. :) I am not the right person to address it. My work is only to dig and find out facts. Isha Foundation's followers who had and are following this post can convey these recommendations to concerned people.

    2. That's an interesting point that you make about Isha Foundation's funding. I am going to do some research and publish that information soon, hopefully in a week or so.

  4. Thanks for making people know the truth anna����
